Post Message to Channel
Use this action to retrieve information from the specified channel, and then post the message to an existing channel.
Using the Post Message to Channel Action
To use this action in your workflow, connect it to ThingWorx Flow. To create a flow, do the following:
1. Drag the Post Message to Channel action under the Slack connector to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Post Message to Channel action window opens.
2. Edit the label name, if needed. By default, the label name is the same as the action name.
3. To add a connection, refer to the Authorize Slack section in the Slack connector topic.
If you previously added a Slack authorization, select an authorization from the list.
4. In the Select Channel Type field, select one of the following options:
Public—Select the Public Channel ID or Channel Name from the list.
Private Group—Select the Private Channel ID or Channel Name from the list.
Direct Messages—Select the Direct Message Channel ID or Channel Name from the list.
5. In the Text field, enter a message you want to post to the selected channel type.
6. In the As User field, select true to post the message as the authenticated user, or select false to post the message as a bot.
7. In the Unfurl Links field, select true to enable unfurling of primarily text-based content, or select false to disable unfurling of primarily text-based content.
8. In the Unfurl Media field, select true to enable unfurling of media-based content, or select false to disable unfurling of media content.
9. Click + to view the additional fields:
Username—Name of the bot.
Parse—Select one of the following options to specify how the messages are treated:
Link Names—Select true to find and link channel names and usernames or select false.
Attachments—Enter structured messages as attachments. The message must contain a JSON-encoded array of attachments.
For example: [{'pretext': 'pre-hello', 'text': 'text-world'}]
Icon URL—URL to an image you want to use as an icon for the entered message.
Icon Emoji—Enter the emoji you want to use as an icon for the entered message.
The value that you specify in the Icon Emoji field overrides the value of the Icon URL field.
10. Click Done.
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