Create Email Template
Use this action to create a new email template in your Salesforce account.
Using the Create Email Template Action
To use this action in your workflow, connect it to ThingWorx Flow. To connect to the flow, do the following:
1. Drag the Create Email Template action under the Salesforce connector to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Create Email Template action window opens.
2. Edit the label name, if needed. By default, the label name is same as the action name.
3. To add an authorization, refer to the section Authorize Salesforce in the Salesforce connector topic.
If you previously added an authorization for Salesforce, select an authorization from the list.
4. Select or specify the Folder ID under which you want to create the email template. To create the email template, refer to the API documentation.
5. In the Template Unique Name field, enter a unique name for your template.
6. In the Name of the Template field, enter a unique name for the email template that you want to create.
7. Select the Encoding type, and then enter the Subject for the email template.
8. Select the type of template you want create from the following list:
HTML Email Template
1. Select the Letter Head ID of the brand template associated with the email template. The brand template supplies letterhead information for the email template.
2. Select a template style for your template.
3. Enter the HTML Body content of the email message, including HTML coding to render the email message.
Custom Email Template
VisualForce Email Template
1. Select Recipient Type from the list, such as Contact, Lead, and User.
2. Enter the HTML Body content of the email message, including HTML coding to render the email message.
9. Click + to view the additional fields:
Select or specify the Description and Email Template Body that you want to add in the email template.
In the Available for Use field, select an option if the email template is available for use. Only 2 options available are True and False.
Select the Owner ID of the user who owns the template.
Click Add to enter the additional information present in the user interface of Email Template entity.
Field Name—Name of the user interface field of the Email Template entity that you want to add. The field name should be similar to the field name specified in the API documentation.
Value—Value for the specified user interface field.
Click Add to enter multiple additional fields.
10. Click Done.
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