Installing ThingWorx Flow Silently
You can perform a silent, unattended installation of ThingWorx Flow from the command line interface.
Run the ThingWorx Flow installer with the --help parameter to see the various parameters that you can pass to the silent installer. For example:
For Windows: ThingWorxFlowPostgres-8.5.x-x64.exe --help
For Linux: --help
The following is a sample command to install ThingWorx Flow on Windows with PostgreSQL:
ThingWorxFlowPostgres-8.5.3-x64.exe --mode unattended --accept_eula YES
--TWX_HOST <hostname/ipaddress> --TWX_PORT <TWXPORT> --TWX_PROTOCOL <http/https>
The following is a sample command to install ThingWorx Flow on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.5 with PostgreSQL:
./ --mode unattended --accept_eula YES
--TWX_HOST <hostname/ipaddress> --TWX_PORT <TWXPORT> --TWX_PROTOCOL <http/https>
You need to provide all parameters in the command for a fresh installation of ThingWorx Flow.
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