User Menu
Most Recently Used: Includes the option to clear recently viewed editor tabs.
Restore Tabs on Startup: Defines how to handle previously-opened tabs each time you open Composer from a closed session.
Prompt Each Time: you are asked what to do with the with the previously-open tabs.
Always Restore Tabs: the tabs you previously had open in Composer when you closed your last session will open.
Never Restore Tabs: the tabs you previously had open in Composer when you closed your last session will not open upon startup.
Turn on New Composer Features: Turn on the New Composer, which includes additional features.
This option is only available in ThingWorx 8.2 and 8.3.
Use legacy Composer as the default tool: This option is only available in ThingWorx 8.3.
Change Password
Changes the password the current user.
Log Out
Logs the user out.
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