Versionshinweise > Version 8.3 – Versionshinweise > Version 8.3.7 Release Notes
Version 8.3.7 Release Notes
The following known issues and workarounds and bug fixes are included in ThingWorx 8.3.7:
Known Issues and Workarounds
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is not secure using basic authentication. For more information, see
You can use a custom authenticator extension. For more information, see Login Authenticators.
Bug Fixes
Related JIRA
A significant number of security issues have been fixed in this release. It is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
Fixed an issue that was causing persistent properties with default values to update with the default value when the restartThing service was executed.
Fixed an issue with the SetDescription service that was preventing the description from being visible in Composer.
Fixed an issue that was causing a file transfer from an EMS to fail after upgrading between minor versions (for example, 8.2.9 to 8.2.10) or major versions (for example, 8.0.x to 8.2.10). A workaround exists for this issue to create a Data Shape with specific properties. For details, reference this support article.
Mashup Builder
Related JIRA
Fixed an issue that was preventing disabled widgets from being enabled if auto refresh called the navigate event.