Annotation Type ThingworxMultiEventSubscription

    public @interface ThingworxMultiEventSubscription
    Defines a multi event subscription that the entity wishes to handle. Subscriptions defined with this annotation can target multiple standard events and property events, and may also specify a source entity. The source entity should be another entity the that is part of the platform,extension, or an entity in a dependent extension. Each event is defined as ThingworxSubscriptionEvent
    See Also:
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String handler

      Required parameter: the name of the service that should be invoked whenever the subscription receives an event.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String[] aspects

      Optional parameter: an array of key-value pairs associated with colons (e.g., "aspect1:value1", "aspect2:value2", …) describing aspects applicable to the field definition.
      java.lang.String description

      Optional parameter: A short description for the service.
      boolean enabled

      Optional parameter: whether the subscription should listen for events.
      ThingworxSubscriptionEvent[] events

      Required parameter: a collection of ThingworxSubscriptionEvent handled by this class.
      java.lang.String name

      Required parameter: The name of the Subscription.
    • Element Detail

      • handler

        java.lang.String handler

        Required parameter: the name of the service that should be invoked whenever the subscription receives an event. The service must belong to the entity defining the subscription.
      • name

        java.lang.String name

        Required parameter: The name of the Subscription.
      • description

        java.lang.String description

        Optional parameter: A short description for the service. The description should provide information on functionality of the Subscription and any other pertinent information for users.
      • enabled

        boolean enabled

        Optional parameter: whether the subscription should listen for events. Note that if it is intended for subscriptions to listen for events immediately, then you must specify this parameter and assign to true.
      • aspects

        java.lang.String[] aspects

        Optional parameter: an array of key-value pairs associated with colons (e.g., "aspect1:value1", "aspect2:value2", …) describing aspects applicable to the field definition. Accepted boolean aspects: isDistributed and isStateful (default - false). In cluster mode, When isStateful is set to true, isDistributed must be set to true as well. In single mode, isDistributed must be set to false.
        See Also:
      • events

        ThingworxSubscriptionEvent[] events

        Required parameter: a collection of ThingworxSubscriptionEvent handled by this class.