Troubleshooting SCM > SCM Upload Instructions - Application Log Messages > Transfer job associated with delivery target is inactive (SCM Upload)
Transfer job associated with delivery target is inactive (SCM Upload)

Transfer job [<transfer job ID>] associated with delivery target
[<delivery target ID>] is inactive
The transfer job was canceled in the middle of the upload.
The transfer job was manually marked as complete in the middle of the upload.
During the upload the agent was disconnected long enough for the transfer job on the ThingWorx Platform to time out, and then reconnected and tried to resume.
RESOLUTION: As long as the number of retries is not exhausted, the upload completes successfully on the next retry. If the number of retries was exhausted, retry the deployment.
Be careful not to cancel or complete transfer jobs that are associated with SCM. You can identify SCM jobs by SCM-specific metadata values such as deliveryTargetId.
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