Troubleshooting SCM > SCM Upload Instructions - Application Log Messages > Delivery target must be in one of the following states (SCM Upload)
Delivery target must be in one of the following states (SCM Upload)

Unable to dispatch [ uri = /Things/TW.RSM.SFW.SoftwareManager/Services/StartTransfer/]:
Unable to Invoke Service StartTransfer on TW.RSM.SFW.SoftwareManager :
Delivery target [<delivery target ID>] must be in one of the following states: [
'installing, sending instructions, instructions received' ]
This error message may appear in the following situations:
A delivery target times out of Instructions Received due to the installation time being set later in time than the configured timeout (Known Issue), and the agent subsequently attempts to start the upload.
A delivery target is aborted in the Sending Instructions state before its polling-based target device receives the package, and the agent subsequently attempts to start the upload once the package is received.
A delivery target is aborted in the Instructions Received state, and the agent subsequently attempts to start the upload.
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