Troubleshooting SCM > SCM Download Error Messages Shown in the Application Log > Odd Behaviors (SCM Download) > Delivery target becomes stuck in Instructions Received (SCM Download)
Delivery target becomes stuck in Instructions Received (SCM Download)
This issue could be due to one of the following situations:
The installation time has not yet been reached
The agent restarted after transitioning to the Instructions Received state and therefore is no longer aware that it should be executing a package.
A network interruption occurred.
In the first case, the state will not transition to installing until the installationTime has passed.
If the agent restarted, you must wait for the delivery target to time out or abort it to get it to retry.
If a network interruption prevents the agent from sending a status update to the platform while it is in the Instructions Received state, the delivery target on the platform remains in that state until the agent is able to communicate the status update or until the Instructions Received timeout is hit (default: 1 hour).
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