Monitoring and Troubleshooting the eMessage Connector > Troubleshooting the eMessage Connector > Issues when eMessage Connector is run by a Non-Administrator User
Issues when eMessage Connector is run by a Non-Administrator User
In case of any issues while running the eMessage Connector as a non-administrator user, errors are logged to the ThingWorx Application log. The following table provides information about the issues and their resolution.
Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on <service> in <entity>.
For example: Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on ValidateToken in TokenPropertyAuthenticator.
Add permissions for the specific service or for all services for that entity. Refer to Security Background: ThingWorx Permissions for the eMessage Connector to determine the permissions needed and How to Run the Services that Grant Visibility and Permissions to grant them using a service.
Not authorized for PropertyWrite on ScriptStatusEvent_Name in ScriptStatus-Event-Watcher.
Validate that ScriptStatus_Event_Watcher_Thing.json has all necessary permissions.
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