Connector Exception 16: Connector File System — Out of Disk Space
If the eMessage Connector fails to start, this message indicates that the reason is that the file system is out of disk space. Whether or not Logback logging is configured to write to disk, the logging may fill up the disk space on the Connector file system while the Connector continues to work as expected, with no errors. However, if you start the Connector, fill the local disk, and then restart the Connector, this exception is generated. For more information, refer to Observation 13: Connector does not start due to full disk.
Here is the complete scenario that generates this exception:
1. Start ThingWorx Platform.
2. Create a VirtualBox Linux image on which to run eMessage Connector.
3. Install the Connector on the VirtualBox image.
4. Start the Connector with only logback logging configured to write to a log file on disk.
5. Start an agent that sends data item messages to the Connector.
6. Create large files to consume all the disk space on the file system, in 1GB chunks.
a. dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/large1.bin bs=10M count=100
b. dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/large2.bin bs=10M count=100
c. and so on
7. Once the disk is full, stop and restart the Connector
In this scenario, the Connector logged the errors that appear during initialization include the following lines:
ERROR c.t.c.ConnectionServer - Unable to start ConnectionServer
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error creating Protocol
from ProtocolAdapterPlatform constructor
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