Step 6. Sending Data Items
The sixth test validates sending data items from the test agent via the eMessage Connector to the ThingWorx Platform.
If this test throws an exception, the smoke test checks the setting of the isFailFast flag. For this test, this flag is set to false. so the next validation test in the chain executes. In addition, the exception is logged (with a stack trace of the exception).
The steps for this test are as follows:
1. Build a DataItem message that includes random values for the temp and humidity data items
2. Send the DataItem message to the Connector for the agent (Thing).
3. Validate that the Connector returns a status of successful in the eMessage response.
4. Validate that the temp and humidity properties were updated to the values sent in the eMessage.
5. Generate a second DataItem message with new random values for temp and humidity, and send to the Connector.
6. Validate that the Connector returns a status of successful in the response.
7. Validate that the temp and humidity properties were updated to the latest values.
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