Managing eMessage Assets Through ThingWorx > File Transfers > How eMessage Connector Handles Dependencies.xml
How eMessage Connector Handles Dependencies.xml
The Dependencies.xml file may exist on an Axeda eMessage agent. Using a FileWatcher, this file can be set up to be uploaded to a platform automatically, using the File Hint type, DependencyRegistry. When the agent starts and periodically thereafter (configurable using Axeda Builder), the FileWatcher component checks if the contents of the file have changed since the last time it was uploaded. The purpose of a Dependencies.xml file varies by the requirements of applications and the organizations.
Currently, no special support exists for Dependencies.xml. The file is uploaded like any other agent-initiated upload to a device-specific directory in the File Repository. Since the default upload compression settings for agents are set to tar-gzip, the file is compressed. Since ThingWorx Platform does not support tar-gzip compress/decompress operations, this file cannot be processed by the server.
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