Managing eMessage Assets Through ThingWorx > Making Axeda Assets Visible in ThingWorx Apps and ThingWorx Utilities
Making Axeda Assets Visible in ThingWorx Apps and ThingWorx Utilities
Since ThingWorx Utilities was deprecated as of v.8.3, it is highly recommended that you use the ThingWorx Apps instead, more specifically ThingWorx Asset Advisor. For details on Asset Advisor, refer to the section, "Exploring the Apps" in the ThingWorx Apps 8.5 Help Center.. This Help Center also includes instructions for importing and configuring the ThingWorx Apps.
The next two sections explain the steps required to make Axeda assets visible in Asset Advisor and ThingWorx Utilities. Both Asset Advisor and the Utilities provide access to the ThingWorx Software Content Management (SCM) Extension. For assistance with the SCM UI, refer to the ThingWorx Utilities Help Center.
Making Axeda Assets Visible in ThingWorx Apps (Asset Advisor)
For Axeda assets to be visible in Asset Advisor, follow these steps:
1. Add the following required shapes to the Axeda Thing Templates:
a. PTC.Factory.PhysicalAssetThingShape
b. PTC.SCA.SCO.StatusThingShape (Needed to be able to display status in Asset Advisor, and enable the Thing Presence functionality)
c. PTC.ISA95.IdentifierThingShape
d. PTC.SCA.SCO.MonitoredPropertiesThingShape (Needed to display monitored and additional properties in Asset Advisor)
e. PTC.SCA.SCO.AssetIdentifierThingShape
2. Depending on your use case, add the following optional Thing Shapes to the Axeda Thing Templates:
a. PTC.SCA.SCO.FileTransferHistoryHandlerThingShape (Needed to enable file transfer capabilities through ThingWorx Apps).
To be able to see the File Transfer History in Asset Advisor, you need to add a subscription to EventFileTransfer to any Thing Template that inherits the Axeda Thing Template to which you add the PTC.SCA.SCO.FileTransferHistoryHandlerThingShape.
b. PTC.SCA.SCO.KPIsThingShape (Enable KPI calculations in the App)
c. PTC.SCA.SCO.AssetIdentifierNumberThingShape (you only need that one if you do not have modelNumber and serialNumber already in your Thing Template)
d. PTC.SCA.SCO.RemoteTunnelingThingShape (needed for remote tunneling to EMS assets)
e. PTC.SCA.SCO.AnomalyThingShape (if you want to enable anomaly detection)
In ThingWorx Composer define your equipment type.
1. Navigate to the PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_<version>.
2. Go to the Configuration page. Here you have two options:
You can add a new equipment type that derives from Asset: As a result two types of assets are available when creating an equipment, namely the out-of-the-box one and your own.
Edit the out-of-the-box Asset Type and change the Thing Template that is associated with the out-of-the-box type to point to your Axeda Thing Template. (that way, only one asset type exists in the system)
Making Axeda Assets Visible in ThingWorx Utilities
The following procedure is strongly recommended as a best practice for adding the Implemented Shape to your Axeda models so that they can be viewed in the Utilities
To make your Axeda assets visible in ThingWorx Utilities, follow these steps:
1. From ThingWorx Composer, locate the Thing Template that represents a model that you want to be visible in ThingWorx Utilities.
2. Add the following "Implemented Shape": PTC.Resource.Asset.ThingworxAsset.
3. Click .
4. Repeat this process for each Thing Template that you would like to be visible in ThingWorx Utilities.
5. Refresh ThingWorx Utilities to view the visible Axeda assets
For information about using the Utilities (including the SCM Extension), refer to the ThingWorx Utilities Help Center.
To make only a small subset of Axeda assets visible in the Utilities, keep in mind that a shape can be added at any level of a Thing Template hierarchy, including directly on a Thing that represents an Axeda asset. For more information about the hierarchy of Thing Templates and adding Thing Shapes and Data Shapes, refer to the ThingWorx Help Center.
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