Welcome to the Help Center for the ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package 1 for Axeda eMessage Agents
Welcome to the Help Center for the ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package 1 for Axeda eMessage Agents
This Help Center contains information about the ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package for Axeda eMessage Agents (Axeda Gateway and Axeda Connector Agents), versions 1.0.0 through 1.4.1. You will find detailed information about installing and configuring the ThingWorx eMessage Connector and the various ThingWorx extensions provided in the package by exploring the contents of this Help Center. To learn what is new in a given release, refer to the Release Notes for that release.
Important Information
When considering upgrading your ThingWorx environment or looking for compatibility information for versions of ThingWorx products, visit the PTC Release Advisor. This tool provides the single source for this information fo all PTC products. To learn how to use Release Advisor, refer to the Technical Support article, "How to plan an upgrade using PTC Release Advisor".
To read the support policy for the ThingWorx Connection Services, refer to the PTC Support Policy for ThingWorx Connection Services in the ThingWorx Connection Server Help Center.
The v.1.4.x versions of the Axeda Compatibility Package work with ThingWorx Platform v.8.5.x only. For a version that works with ThingWorx Platform v.9.1.x, you need to use v.2.1.x of the Axeda Compatibility Package.
Starting with v.1.3.1 of the ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package, the Axeda-ThingWorx Entity Exporter (ATEE) tool is no longer distributed with the package. Axeda customers who want to migrate to ThingWorx should contact the PTC Axeda Transition Team for assistance with their migration. Accordingly, information about ATEE has been removed from this help center.
In accordance with industry standard best practices regarding process isolation, PTC strongly recommends installing the ThingWorx eMessage Connector in a separate runtime environment from the ThingWorx Platform.
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Additional Resources
You can access ThingWorx documentation, using the following resources:
PTC ThingWorx help centers page, which provides links to all ThingWorx help centers.
ThingWorx Documentation Resources, which provides links to both ThingWorx Help Centers and to ThingWorx PDF documents, including release notes, support matrices, installation and administration guides, best practices, and developer guides.
PTC ThingWorx Reference Documentation — The Reference Documents pages provide access to the PDF documents available for all PTC ThingWorx products.
You can find additional information in the ThingWorx Community forum.
For information about supported releases, refer to the PTC Product Calendar on the PTC Support site.
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Technical Issues
For assistance with ThingWorx eMessage Connector or ThingWorx Platform technical issues, visit the PTC Support Site.
Last Updated: July 2021
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