Release Notes > Release Notes for ThingWorx Platform 9.4 > Fixed Issues in ThingWorx Platform 9.4.2
Fixed Issues in ThingWorx Platform 9.4.2
The following fixed issues are part of ThingWorx Platform 9.4.2.
For a list of new features, refer to What's New in ThingWorx Platform 9.4.2.
Fixed Issues
Fixed potential security issues, including items proactively identified by vulnerability scanning software or PTC Quality Assurance testing. Please upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of these important improvements.
Tracking Number
Fixed an issue where Mail Extension 4.0.1 was not working resulting in mails not being sent.
Fixed an issue where AzureB2C OAuth was not using tokenUsernameAttribute from resourceServerSettings.json file.
Fixed an issue where sessions were created with x-thingworx-session=false or while using appKey authentication.
Fixed an issue where instructions for setting external Postgres and MSSQL databases for ThingWorx Docker were incorrect and blocked the installation of an external database.
Fixed an issue where SessionExpired.Audit not found message was reported when Audit Logs were enabled.
Fixed an issue where the Login page was reduced after resetting the Login page.
Fixed an issue where the Application logs displayed Encountered exception while fetching flow metric: null in 30 seconds.
Mashup Builder
Tracking Number
Fixed an issue where the top label on the Y-axis of the Line Chart and Combo Chart widgets was not displayed consistently.
Fixed an issue where resizing static widgets at design time caused them to move to the top of the canvas when a vertical scroll bar was displayed.
Fixed an issue where the reset button of the Grid widget was not enabled after the first row was selected.
Fixed an issue where the List Shuttle widget displayed a successful validation message after the widget lost focus.
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