ThingWorx Edge SDKs: Tutorial
Before you begin, download the ThingWorx Edge C SDK or ThingWorx Edge Java SDK. This tutorial is written for both SDKs. To download the latest distribution bundle of either of these Edge SDKs for your platform, visit the Software Downloads page of the PTC eSupport Portal, and follow these steps:
1. On the Order or Download Software Updates page, click Order or Download Software Updates.
2. On the Step 1 page, select the product family, ThingWorx Edge SDK.
3. On the Step 2 page, expand Release SDKs and then expand ThingWorx Edge SDK.
4. Expand Most Recent Version to see the latest releases of the SDKs. If you do not see the SDK you want to download, expand Show all Other Available Versions and expand the other Versions until you see the desired SDK.
5. After locating the SDK, click HTTPS next to Download now to download the SDK distribution bundle to your computer.
You are ready to begin.