ThingWorx Connection Server > Starting the Connection Server and Running a Quick Test
Starting the Connection Server and Running a Quick Test
The start script for the Connection Server is in the bin subdirectory of the installation. There is a startup script for Linux platforms and startup batch script for Windows platforms. As long as you have set the environment variable and Java 1.8.0, update 92, is available, the server should start normally.
11:32:48.193 [main] INFO c.t.c.ConnectionServer - Connection Server is started
To run the Connection Server:
1. To start the Connection Server, use the command appropriate to the base operating system:
a. For Linux users:
b. For Windows users:
In the paths, v.v.b represents the version and build numbers of the release (e.g., 7.2.2055).
2. After starting the Connection Server, verify the installation:
a. Check that the Connection Server is registered with the ThingWorx Platform by checking that it shows up on the Monitoring mashup.
b. Using browser, make a test hit to the health check endpoint.
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