ThingWorx Connection Server > Fine-Tuning a Connection Server > Adjusting the Settings for Vert.x
Adjusting the Settings for Vert.x
The Vert.x component of the Connection Server is the HTTP Server to which the clients connect for websockets, tunneling, and HTTP pass-through.
The default settings for the Vert.x component of the Connection Server include properties that specify the size of the event loop pool. You can override the default settings configured by the Connector core (cxserver.conf) for the ThingWorx Connection Server (AlwaysOn).
Here are the default settings that are in the cxserver-long-sample.conf file (in the conf subdirectory of the installation):

cx-server {
vertx {
event-loop-pool-size = null
metrics.enabled = true
. . .
The following table lists and describes these properties:
Default Value
Specifies the number of event loop threads. A value of null, 0, or negative number means using twice the number of cores on the machine.
Specifies whether vert.x metrics are enabled.
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