Transport.WebSocket Configuration Settings
Other than the application key and platform URL, the default settings of the transport.websockets properties in the cxserver.conf file suffice for most installations. Change them only if instructed by PTC ThingWorx Technical Support. Here are the default settings:

. . .
transport.websockets {
authentication.timeout-ms = 10000
request.default_timeout-ms = 10000
iothread.count = 8
connections.pipe-count = 5
connections.timeout-ms = 10000
connections.pingRate = "30s"
connections.idlePingRate = "50s"
connections.idleReadTimeout = "60s"
connections.highWaterMark = "64k"
connections.lowWaterMark - "32k"
connections.enableHigherQualityOfServiceForResponses = true
. . .
The following table briefly describes these properties:
The amount of time in milliseconds before the authentication request to the ThingWorx Platform times out. The default value is 10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds
The amount of time in milliseconds before non-authentication requests to the ThingWorx Platform time out. The default value is 10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.
The number of netty I/O threads. Leave the default setting (8 threads).
The number of netty bytes channels to create to communicate to the platform. The default value is 5.
The number of milliseconds that each channel waits while trying to connect to the ThingWorx Platform before timing out. The default value is 10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.
The number of seconds to wait between pings. This property is independent of the idlePingRate. The default value is 30 seconds (30s)
The number of seconds to wait before sending a ping when a connection has no inbound/outbound traffic. With the default values, the idle ping is never sent, because the scheduled ping pre-empts it. The default value is 50 seconds (50s).
The number of seconds to wait with no incoming reads before dropping and re-establishing a connection. The default value is 60 seconds (60s).
If the outgoing netty buffers on the platform exceed this size, the channel returns false when the isWritable method is invoked. Subsequently, the client write attempts return failures to the edge. The default value is 64k.
If the outgoing netty buffers go below this size, the channel returns true when the isWritable method is invoked. The default value is 32k.
Set to true by default, this property affects the quality of service for responses. This default value means that responses have an effective high watermark that is two times higher than other messages.
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