Release Notes > Release Notes for ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package 2.5.0 > What's New in ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package 2.5.0
What's New in ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package 2.5.0
Product Compatibility
To learn about the compatibility of ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Package 2.5.0 with other ThingWorx products, such as ThingWorx Platform and ThingWorx SCM, see the Release Advisor. To learn more about the Release Advisor, see "How to plan an upgrade using PTC Release Advisor".
Bindless Egress
The eMessage Connector can now receive egress for an edge device from the ThingWorx platform without needing to bind as that device. This new feature provides significant performance improvements and device scalability by reducing the load on the platform when devices contact the eMessage Connector.
To enable this feature, set emessage.bindless-egress-enabled to true in the emessage.conf file.
By default, emessage.bindless-egress-enabled is false.
This feature requires a ThingWorx Platform that supports bindless egress. You must be using ThingWorx Platform 9.6.0 or later. If bindless egress is enabled in eMessage Connector but your ThingWorx Platform instance does not support bindless egress, the eMessage Connector will automatically revert to the existing binding behavior.
When bindless egress is enabled, the following changes occur in the ThingWorx Platform:
AxedaBaseModel-based Things will no longer be bound to the platform when they communicate with eMessage Connector and the isConnected property will never be set to true. Data change events related to isConnected property will not be initiated.
The isReporting property on AxedaBaseModel-based Things will not be immediately set to true when the device contacts the eMessage Connector. Instead, the isReporting property of these devices will be set to true when the EvaluateReporting service is run. By default, this service is run every five minutes by a timer provided in the Axeda Compatibility Extension for Axeda devices. Therefore, a delay of up to five minutes may occur from the time a device contacts the eMessage Connector to when the isReporting property for the Thing of that device is set to true.
The reportingLastEvaluation property will not be updated until the EvaluateReporting service is run. This may have a delay of up to five minutes from the time a device contacts the eMessage Connector to when the reportingLastEvaluation property is updated and will not be updated more frequently than the period of the EvaluateReporting timer.
eMessage Connector Does Not Bind as a Global Access Server
The eMessage Connector prior to this release was binding to ThingWorx as the Global Access Server (GAS) each time the GAS sent a status update. eMessage Connector will no longer do this unnecessary bind.
This change has the following impacts on the ThingWorx Platform:
The isConnected property of a GASModel Thing in ThingWorx will never be set to true.
The lastConnection property of the GAS Thing will continue is updated each time the eMessage Connector is contacted by a server.
This change will optimize the communication flow between eMessage Connector and ThingWorx Platform by eliminating unnecessary binds.
This change only impacts GAS that do not directly communicate with the ThingWorx Platform. As of Global Access Server 7.1, the server is capable of directly communicating with the ThingWorx platform.
Enable Platform Cache Hit Optimizations for File Uploads
This feature is automatically enabled when an eMessage Connector is connected to a version of ThingWorx that supports the necessary services. This optimization reduces the amount of communication between the eMessage Connector and the ThingWorx Platform during a file upload.
For more information about tuning the eMessage Connector, see Fine-Tuning the eMessage Connector.
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