Possible Errors When Downloading to an Axeda eMessage Agent
The following errors may appear at the Axeda Gateway/Axeda Connector agent console for file download operations:
Downloading a file larger than 4 GB will fail to completely download to the agent with an error code #21. It will appear to download several chunks successfully but then fail to validate the file checksum.
As of v.8.2 of the ThingWorx Platform, there is not way to configure the block size for a File Repository Thing without overriding the service implementation. As a result, the Connector will always download files using a chunk/block size of 1,024,000 bytes.
Attempting to download a file to an agent in a location where the user running the agent does not have permission to write (such as the root directory if the user running the agent is not root) will fail on the agent. The agent does not create the directory automatically; the directory must exist already.
Failure to download to the agent is not indicated on the ThingWorx Platform at all at this time. An event is fired on both of the Things involved in the transfer when it ends. In addition, the transfer job is updated with an ERROR state. The transfer job is almost immediately deleted from the database as part of the normal logic of ending a file transfer (nothing is persisted beyond the life of the transaction).
The event is called TransferEvent, and it contains the TransferJob as part of the event data. You can subscribe to the event on either the source or target Thing if you want to take some action based on the event. As with any event on the ThingWorx Platform, if noThing is subscribed to the TransferEvent on the source/target Things, the notification is lost.
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