Log Levels
The following log levels are supported:
TRACE — The most detailed logs, useful for debugging while you develop an application. Trace logs can provide fine-grained information when tracking down issues that are difficult to find.
DEBUG — Logs used to help in debugging issues. These log messages contain information about what the code is doing at the moment and the values of any important variables.
INFO — Important system information, such as periodic tasks that are running and changes in the state of an application. In most cases, exceptions are not logged at this level
WARN — Unexpected exceptions that are acceptable or that can be worked around. Any problems that could become errors, if left unattended.
ERROR —Issues that affect the usage or performance of the system.
Each level writes out any messages in a lower level. For example, if the logging of the application is set to TRACE, then DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR level log messages are written to the log file. If the logging of the application is set to WARN, then only WARN and ERROR level log messages are written to the log.
To set the log level, open the logback.xml file in a text editor, and add or edit the following lines:
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="LOG" />
The valid values for level are "error", "warn", "debug", "info", "trace", and "off".
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