Limiting Edge-Controlled Egress and Concurrent File Transfers
Edge-controlled egress supports the polling nature of the eMessage protocol. A few parameters are passed in to control certain aspects of the interaction between the eMessage Connector and ThingWorx Platform. The properties that are available in the emessage.platform-binding group of the configuration file are as follows:
max-messages-per-thing — This property sets the number of pieces of egress per request to obtain for a Thing. The default value is 10 pieces.
max-fulfillment-timeout — This property sets the length of time that the Connector waits for the ThingWorx Platform to respond to requests. The default value is 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds).
Refer to the emessage-all.conf) for fine-tuning the behavior of the interaction between the Connector.
In the configuration file for the eMessage Connector, this group appears as follows:
cx-server {
emessage {
platform-binding {
max-messages-per-thing = 10
message-fulfillment-timeout = 10000
Properties are also available in the FileTransferSubsystem of the ThingWorx Platform to limit edge-controlled file transfers:
Total Max Edge-Controlled File Transfers Allowed Per Thing — This property has a default value of 2. This value means that any given edge device can have only two concurrent file transfers at a time.
Total Max Edge-Controlled File Transfers — This property sets the maximum number of edge devices that can concurrently request file transfers. The default value is 500. If the maximum number of concurrent transfers per Thing is 2, this property is set to 500, and 100 edge devices are connected, all connected devices can transfer files concurrently.
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