Downloading and Extracting the Axeda Compatibility Package
Downloading and Extracting the Axeda Compatibility Package
The Axeda Compatibility Package is delivered as a bundle, axeda-compatibility-package-<version>.zip, where <version> represents the version number (e.g., 2.2.0). The components of this bundle work on any Linux 64–bit machine, or on a Windows 64–bit machine that is equipped with Cygwin. The computer must be able to connect to instances of Axeda Platform and ThingWorx Platform.
Follow these steps to download and extract the ACP package.
1. Download the distribution bundle for your operating system:
Linux — axeda-compatibility-package-<version>.tar.gzip
Windows — axeda-compatibility-package-<version>.zip
2. Extract the bundle to a directory on the system where it will run. On Linux, use the base directory, ./axeda_compatibility_package-<version>. On Windows, use C:\axeda_compatibility_package-<version>.
The extracted Axeda Compatibility Package provides the following components, each in a separate compressed file
ThingWorx Connection Services Extension (CSE), which you will import into your ThingWorx Platform to support the ThingWorx Connector.
ThingWorx Axeda Compatibility Extension (ACE), which you will import into your ThingWorx Platform to support your Axeda entities.
ThingWorx Remote Access Extension (RAE), which you will import into your ThingWorx Platform to support remote sessions with ThingWorx Global Access Server or Axeda Global Access Server.
ThingWorx eMessage Connector, which you need to install and configure so that your assets that are running Axeda Gateway or Axeda Connector agents can access a ThingWorx Platform.
ThingWorx Utilities Core and ThingWorx SCM Extension, which provide support for Software Content Management (SCM), specifically for instruction-based packages for Axeda Agents. Documentation for ThingWorx Utilities is available on the PTC Support site, Reference Documents page for ThingWorx (installation guides) and ThingWorx Utilities Help Center. You must use a version of ThingWorx Utilities Core and SCM Extension that matches the version of ThingWorx Platform you are using. For example, you must install the 9.1 version of ThingWorx Utilities on a 9.1. x version of the ThingWorx Platform.
For version numbers of the components that comprise your Axeda Compatibility Package, refer to the release notes for your version of the package.
Running eMessage Connector as a Windows service is not supported.
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