Connected Field Service > Installing Connected Field Service > Installing the Connected Field Service Application
Installing the Connected Field Service Application
The Connected Field Service extensions can be installed after the ThingWorx platform and required ThingWorx extensions have been installed.
1. From the PTC Software Download page, select the PTC Smart Connected Applications product family.
2. Expand Release <version> and choose to download the most recent version of PTC Servigistics Connected Field Service to a local directory.
3. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to your local machine. These extensions are included and must be installed in the order listed:
Install 1st: ptc-cslm-core-classic-<version>
Install 2nd: ptc-cslm-skd-<version>
Install 3rd:ptc-cslm-svmx-connector-<version>
Install 4th: ptc-cslm-cfs-<version>
4. Use the following instructions to install each extension.
a. From the ThingWorx Composer, click Import/Export and select Import. The Import Extensions window appears.
b. Navigate to the file name of the extension you want to import, and click Import.
c. Click Close.
d. When prompted to refresh your ThingWorx Composer, click Yes.
e. Verify that the extension has been successfully imported by clicking Import/Export in ThingWorx Composer and selecting Manage. The imported extensions should appear in the Installed Extension Packages table.
In these steps, <version_number> refers to the current 7.1.x installation files. Do not import the 6.5.x extensions. Those extensions are included to support upgrades from release 6.5 only.