Connected Field Service > Installing Connected Field Service > Installing the Connected Field Service Accelerators (Optional)
Installing the Connected Field Service Accelerators (Optional)
Use these instructions to optionally install the Connected Field Service Accelerator Entities.
1. From the PTC Software Download page, select the PTC Smart Connected Applications product family..
2. Extract these accelerators from the Extensions distribution file to your local machine.
Optional CSLM Accelerator: ptc-cslm-accelerator-<version>-imports.xml
Optional Connected Field Service Accelerator: ptc-cslm-cfs-accelerator-<version>-imports.xml
3. From the ThingWorx Composer, click Import/Export and then in the Import section select From File. The Import from File window appears with a default import type of Entities.
4. Select Entities and click the Browse button to navigate to the folder where the accelerators are stored.
5. Select the file, click Open and then click Import. When the import is complete, a message will appear.