Advanced Customization > Work with WindchillSwaggerConnector
Work with WindchillSwaggerConnector
ThingWorx Navigate supports multiple connectors. ThingWorx Navigate 1.4 and earlier used WindchillConnector. ThingWorx Navigate releases 1.5–1.9 use the WindchillSwaggerConnector:
If you created new tasks in ThingWorx Navigate 1.4 or earlier, make sure they are connected to WindchillConnector
Create new tasks using WindchillSwaggerConnector
Many functions are no longer supported on the older WindchillConnector, including these:
Content proxy
WebGL viewer—The viewer that powers the Creo View widget
We recommend that you recreate the tasks using the new connector, and that your services call directly on the connector rather than going through the resource providers. For more information, see Use Windchill REST Web Services to Develop Your Task.
If your existing custom tasks use Info*Engine tasks, check the upgrade information in Upgrade a Custom Task that has Info*Engine Tasks.