Basic Customization > Add a Banner to ThingWorx Navigate
Add a Banner to ThingWorx Navigate
You can add a banner to quickly communicate messages to all your users. We provide the sample banner, PTC.AccessApp.SampleBannerMashup.
You can modify a copy of PTC.AccessApp.SampleBannerMashup, or you can create a new mashup for your banner. For both cases, the banner has a fixed height of 35px. Make sure your mashup has the following properties:
Image height—35px or less
Text label height—30px or less
Default image width—541px
Customization point and optional assets
Customization point—NavigateMasterBannerThing
Optional assets—The banner can contain an image
Add Your Banner to the Homepage
Follow these steps to add your banner mashup to PTC.AccessApp.Master:
1. In ThingWorx Composer, search for the thing NavigateMasterBannerThing, and then open it.
2. On the Services page, click SetBanner.
3. Under Inputs, under bannerMashupName, start typing the name of your banner mashup.
4. Click Save Input Set.
5. Click Execute. The banner is updated in ThingWorx Navigate.
Remove the Banner
If you want to remove the banner, execute the service with an empty bannerMashupName box.
Considerations for Upgrade
During an upgrade of ThingWorx Navigate, make sure to save your custom mashup so you can reimport it.