Tailoring ThingWorx Navigate Tasks > Tailor Specific Tasks
Tailor Specific Tasks
Tailoring options unique to a task are available on the task’s tailoring page. On the ThingWorx Navigate landing page, click the edit icon in the upper-right corner of the task.
Pencil icon for setting tailoring options
In View Part Structure and View Document Structure, the hierarchy of the structure is not visible if the column that displays the hierarchy is hidden.
The tree hierarchy is associated with the first column. If you use tailoring to set a new first column, that column sets the hierarchy of the tree. Therefore, moving or hiding it from the user interface is not recommended. You can hide or move this attribute column when you tailor the View Part Structure and View Document Structure tasks
Selection may not work as expected in 3D visualizations. The selection mode is affected by the Creo View options that are set. When the selection mode allows geometry selection, it will not cross-select the part in the Structure Tree.
The table below contains a glossary for all the options, along with the tasks where they appear. The options are listed alphabetically, so you can easily find the tailoring option for any task.
Design file formats to show
This option is only available when the Design Files attribute is selected.
Set the design file formats to show in the task. Separate formats with a space. To show all formats, leave the box blank.
View Parts List
Design file relationships to show
Select the relationship to show. Each option shows the relationship between the design file and the object in Windchill.
For View Parts List, this option is available when the Design Files attribute is selected.
The relationships marked with an asterisk (*) apply to parts only.
Described By*—Version-specific relationship of parts and documents. For some product documentation, a version of a part is described by only one version of the document.
Reference Documents*—Version-independent relationship of parts and documents. For some product documentation, the latest released version of the document must be connected to the part.
Attachment—Attachments are best used for these cases:
You have content that is directly correlated to, or is derived from the primary content, such as an image file generated from a technical illustration.
You do not require version control, workflow processes, or customized access control settings for the content.
Representation—Associated to CAD documents or parts when a CAD document is submitted for publishing.
View Design Files
View Parts List
Download when search is complete
Select Yes if you want to automatically download documents. To get the files, you may need to disable your popup blocker for ThingWorx Navigate.
View Document
Drawing format to download
This option is only available when the Drawing Files attribute is selected.
Specify the file formats to download. Separate the formats with a space. Supported formats are PDF, DXF, PLT and CGM.
If there are multiple drawings of a particular type available for a part, the latest one is retrieved. The file formats are retrieved in the order that the business administrator sets on the task’s tailoring page.
View Parts List
File content to download
Select the content to show: a representation of the file, or the native file format.
View Document
Formats to show
Set the file formats to show in the task. Separate formats with a space. To show all formats, leave the box blank.
View Design Files
Maximum items in table
Limit the number of items in the Part List table.
When you set the number of items in the table to higher than 500, there may be a reduction in performance.
When you set the number of items in the table to 5000 and higher, there is a significant reduction in performance.
View Parts List
Preference for downloading files
Set your preference for drawing files. For example, if you specify PDF DXF CGM, first there is a search for PDF files. If a PDF file is found, it is downloaded, and the search ends. If not, there is a search for DXF files, and so on. Separate formats with a space. Supported formats are PDF, DXF, PLT and CGM.
View Drawing
Select attributes to show
Select and reorder the attributes for each item.
In View Parts List, select the Design Files and Drawing Files attributes to provide your users with links to directly download some or all of the design and drawing files.
View Part Properties
View Parts List
View Part Structure
View Documents
View Document Structure
Set the default expansion level of the structure tree
Define the default number of levels to display when the part structure is loaded. The default set in the out-of-the-box is 3.
The user can expand the collapsed levels.
For large structures, setting a default higher than 3 may impact initial loading performance.
View Part Structure
Show “Export All” button?
Select Yes to include an Export All button. Since all items may not appear in the table, you can give the user the option to export the complete list to a CSV (*.csv) file.
If the generated CSV file opens in Microsoft Excel, the beginning zeroes of the part numbers do not appear. Open the file with other spreadsheet tools to see the correct Part Numbers.
The CSV file does not support the Drawing and Design Files columns of the table. These are the columns which contain links to download those files.
View Parts List