Example Configuration Using SSL for Secure Communications
Example Configuration Using SSL for Secure Communications
The following example illustrates one way to configure Windchill and ThingWorx for trusted SSL communications. This example uses a self-signed certificate to secure communications between Windchill and ThingWorx, which is appropriate for environments where the communication occurs within the corporate firewall. Where traffic occurs on the Internet, a commercial trusted certificate is advised.
These instructions rely on configuration scripts that come with the most recent version of the PTC HTTP Server. The most recent PTC HTTP Server is included with Windchill 11.0 M020.
This example assumes that Windchill is already configured to use SSL.
This example applies to both the old and new Windchill Connectors, for creating KeyStore, TrustStore, and Windchill configuration.
Old Windchill connectors can be used with ThingWorx Single Sign-on environment as well.
The key used here does not need to be the same as that used for either the Windchill or ThingWorx web interface.
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1. Create a TrustStore for ThingWorx and import the Windchill SSL certificate in the TrustStore.
2. Create a KeyStore for ThingWorx and generate a KeyPair in the KeyStore. Note the passwords for both the KeyStore and the KeyPair, you need to provide them later.
3. Configure Windchill to trust ThingWorx.
a. Update PTC HTTP Server configuration to reference the CA certificates file.
a. Create a ca-bundle.crt file at <HTTPSERVER_HOME>\conf\. This location is recommended but not required.
b. Save ca-bundle.crt.
c. Create sslclient.conf file at <HTTPSERVER_HOME>\conf\sslvhostconf.d.
d. Add SSLCACertificateFile to <PATH_TO>\ca-bundle.crt so that it refers to the ca-bundle.crt file. For example:
e. Save changes.
b. Add the ThingWorx client certificate to PTC HTTP Server’s list of trusted CA certificates.
a. Edit the ca-bundle.crt file you pointed to previously in the SSLCACertificateFile entry.
If the file does not yet exist, create the file and any required directories.
b. Edit ca-bundle.crt and paste the PEM file content of ThingWorx client certificate.
c. Save changes.
c. Configure PTC HTTP Server for the sslClientAuth URL.
a. Find the Windchill web app name in <windchill-home>/codebase/wt.properties in the entry wt.webapp.name.
b. Open a shell or command prompt and enter the following:
cd <HTTPSERVER_HOME>ant -f webAppConfig.xml -DappName=[windchill-web-app]
-Dresource=sslClientAuth -DresourceAuthType=sslClientAuth addAuthResource
c. Configure Windchill to trust the ThingWorx certificate.
a. Edit <windchill-home>/codebase/WEB-INF/web.xml.
b. Find <filter-name>TrustedSSLAuthFilter</filtername>.
c. Add another <init-param> element after the existing one where [thingworx-cert-name] is the name of the ThingWorx certificate. For a self-signed certificate, the certificate name is the Owner value for the certificate when running keytool -list -v -keystore <path-to-ThingWorxKeyStore.jks>:
<init-param><param-name>trustedSubjectPattern.1 </param-name><param-value>[thingworx-cert-name]</param-value>
d. Save changes.
4. Configure ThingWorx for the old Windchill connector: ptc-windchill-demo-thing.
a. In ThingWorx Composer, edit the ptc-windchill-demo-thing thing template that represents the connection to the Windchill system being configured.
b. Specify path to ThingWorxKeyStore.jks (see example in screenshot), and also specify the password.
c. Specify path to ThingWorxTrustStore.jks (see example in screenshot), and also specify the password.
d. Specify the Windchillhttps address and SSL port.
e. Save the thing.
f. View the ThingWorx Application Log to verify that no configuration errors exist.
5. Launch ptc-connected-demo-mashup to verify the ThingWorxWindchill trusted SSL configuration.
For configuring with new Windchill connectors, see Configure ThingWorx Navigate with Windchill Authentication.