Tutorials > Getting Started > Task 2–3: Formatting Math
Task 2–3: Formatting Math
Changing the Math Font
1. Open a new worksheet and type in a math expression.
The default math font is Mathcad UniMath Prime, the default font size is 11, and the default font color is black.
2. Select the math region and then on the Math Formatting tab, in the Math Font group, click Wide Latin from the Font drop-down menu. The math expression takes on the selected font.
3. Select 14 from the Font Size drop-down menu. The math expression takes on the selected font size.
4. Select red from the Font Color drop-down palette. The math expression takes on the selected font color.
5. Select yellow from the Highlight Color drop-down palette. The math region takes on the selected background color.
6. Click the Remove Format button. The original formatting of the math expression and region is restored.
7. Click the Increase Font Size button four times. Each click increases the font size by 1, so the final font size is 15.
8. Click the Decrease Font Size button four times. The math expression takes on a font size of 11.
Changing the Result Format
1. Insert the following math definition and then evaluate it.
On the Math Formatting tab, in the Results group, Result Format shows the default result format (General), the default Display Precision of (3), and the default off state of Show Trailing Zeros.
2. Select the evaluated math region and then select (Decimal) from the Result Format drop-down menu. Repeat by selecting (Scientific), (Engineering), and (Percent). The math expression changes its display format accordingly:
3. Select the evaluated math region and then click Clear Format. The format is restored to (General).
4. Select 5 from the Display Precision drop-down menu. The result is displayed with only 4 digits to the right of the decimal point because the 5th digit happens to be a zero and the Show Trailing Zeros is disabled.
5. Click the Show Trailing Zeros button. The trailing zero now appears in the displayed result.
Click the Show Trailing Zeros button once more to disable it.
6. Select 8 from the Display Precision drop-down menu. The result is displayed with 8 digits to the right of the decimal point.
7. Select 15 from the Display Precision drop-down menu. The result is displayed with 8 digits to the right of the decimal point which constitute all the digits in the original number.
8. Click the Show Trailing Zeros button. Trailing zeros are used to reach the specified Display Precision of 15.
Proceed to Exercise 3.