Functions > Special Functions > Other Special Functions > Hypergeometric Functions
Hypergeometric Functions
fhyper(a, b, c, x)—Returns the value of the Gauss hypergeometric function, 2F1(a, b, c, x), or the solution of the following equation:
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mhyper(a, b, x)—Returns the value of the confluent hypergeometric function, 1F1(a, b, x) or M(a, b, x), or the solution of the following equation:
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The hypergeometric functions are calculated by series expansion. Many functions are special cases of the hypergeometric functions. Examples of hypergeometric functions include the Legendre polynomials and the following functions:
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a, b and c are real, dimensionless scalars. If a and b are nonzero, c must also be nonzero.
x is a real, dimensionless scalar. For fhyper, −1 < x < 1.