Functions > Data Analysis > Interpolation and Prediction > Example: Thiele Interpolation
Example: Thiele Interpolation
Perform Thiele continued fraction interpolation on a data set.
Thielecoeff and Thiele
Use the thielecoeff and the thiele function to interpolate a data set coming from a rational function.
1. Define the number of interpolation points.
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2. Define a rational function, such as the Lorentzian function.
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3. Take samples of the function and record their x and y values into vectors.
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4. Use the Thielecoeff function to find the coefficients of the continued fraction that fits the sampled points.
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5. Call the Thiele function to perform the interpolation.
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The Thiele functions work, but the rationalint function fails at some points in this interpolation range. This is because the data is symmetrical, causing divide-by-zero errors at some intermediate x values:
6. Plot the original function, the sampled points, and the interpolated curve.
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7. Plot a graph showing the residuals for the Thiele interpolation.
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Order of Points
The algorithm fails to return the right values if two adjacent points have identical y values. You need to reorder the data to get the correct result.
1. Define a set of points.
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2. Find the coefficients of the Thiele function.
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The coefficients are too large.
3. Reorder the data to get an appropriate solution.
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4. Repeat step 2.
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5. Define the interpolated function.
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6. Plot the interpolated function and the original data points.
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