Functions > Transforms and Filters > Example: Lowpass Filtering Using dftr
Example: Lowpass Filtering Using dftr
Apply a lowpass Hanning window filter to a boxcar signal by multiplying in the transform domain. The boxcar signal is a single square pulse of width 40 and centered at 100. Sending it through a low-pass filter will smooth its corners.
1. Define the number of sample points.
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2. Define and plot a boxcar function.
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3. Apply the dftr function to the real signal.
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Unlike the dft function which returns the full length conjugate symmetric complex vector, the dftr function returns the first (N/2+1) elements of that vector.
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4. Plot the B vector.
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The boxcar transforms to a sinc function.
5. Window this transform with a Hanning window that saves only the low-frequency information.
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The cos function gives a smooth transition from 1 at the low-frequency end to 0 at the midrange frequency which has been set, in this case, at index 16.
6. Multiply the transformed function by the filtering function.
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7. Plot the resulting product.
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8. Use the idftr function to get the inverse transform of the windowed frequency information.
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9. Plot the resulting filtered signal along with the original boxcar signal.
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The sharp transitions on the edge of the square pulse, which represent high frequencies, are rounded off and cause the resulting filtered signal to spread out in time.