Due to support for Java 8, upgrading from Integrity 10.4 or older to Integrity 10.5 or higher requires a full installation of the Integrity Client and Integrity Server. Although a full installation is required for the upgrade, Integrity 10.5 is an incremental release similar in scope to other 10.x releases. As with any release, PTC recommends full testing of the upgrade process. This change may affect the length of time your upgrade takes and should be accounted for in testing, preparation, and planning. For more information, see the PTC Integrity Upgrading Guide for Integrity 10.5 or higher.
Is versioned
Returns versioned items only.*
Is live
Returns live items only.*
Is a document node
Returns all items (live and versioned) that are a document model node type.
Is a content node
Returns all items (live and versioned) containing references to shared items.
Returns live and versioned items by item ID. For example:
• display a specific live item only. For example, ID = 123 and Is live returns live item 123.
• display a live item and all versions of the item. For example, ID = 123 and include versions returns 123, 123-1.0, 123-1.1, and 123-1.2.
• display a range of live items. For example, ID > 123 and < 128 and Is live returns 124, 125, 126, and 127.
• display a specific versioned item. For example, ID = 123–1.0 returns 123–1.0.
Document ID
field[Document ID]
For document ID query filters in the GUI and Web interface, you can specify the following conditions to display content that is included in live and versioned documents:
• display the contents of a live document. For example, Document ID = 123 and Is live returns content that is included in live document 123.
• display the content from a range of live documents. For example, Document ID > 123 and < 128 and Is live returns content that is included in live documents 124, 125, 126, and 127.
• display the contents of a versioned document. For example, Document ID = 123–1.0 returns content that is included in versioned document 123–1.0.
If a report recipe does not include the appropriate filter, users can modify the backing query to include a query filter that displays live or versioned items.
Returns true if item type node or segment is live.*
Returns true if item type node or segment is versioned.*
Returns true if the items (live and versioned) are a document model node type.
Returns true if the items (live and versioned) contain references to shared items.
With this update, older versions of the Integrity API may return null values with no context for simple data types.
The trigger method ScriptIssueDeltaBean.revision has been modified to perform a check-in operation. The following changes have been made to the associated parameters:
• The conditionalSignificantEdit parameter is ignored and internally set to true. Document model items are only checked in when they contain significant changes.
• The conditionalModified parameter is ignored and internally set to false. Document model items are only checked in when they contain significant changes.
• The recurseInclude parameter is ignored and internally set to true. All included documents are automatically checked in.
• The recurseReference parameter is ignored and internally set to true. All referenced documents are automatically checked in.
• The recurse parameter applies only to content items. If the selection is a segment or a node that points to a segment, the option is ignored and internally set to true.
The LocalTriggerManager.ScriptServerBean class has been modified to include the following new methods to look up the new versioning-related fields:
• getLiveItemIDFieldBean for the Live Item ID field
• getMajorVersionIDFieldBean for the Major Version ID field
• getMinorVersionIDFieldBean for the Minor Version ID field
LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueBean and LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueDeltaBean
The LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueBean and LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueDeltaBean classes were modified to include the isFieldValueAmbiguous(String fieldName) method to determine if a computed field value (in the context of a versioned item) is ambiguous.
isFieldValueAmbiguous(String fieldName) returns true if (in the context of a versioned item) the stored value for the provided computed field is null because of an ambiguous computation.
LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueBean, ScriptIssueBean.toString(), and ScriptIssueDeltaBean.toString()
The LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueBean class, ScriptIssueBean.toString() method, and ScriptIssueDeltaBean.toString() method were updated to support e-mail notifications containing versioned items.
The LocalTriggerManager.ScriptIssueBean class was modified to add the getIssueIDString() method to retrieve the versioned item ID from an item.
The ScriptIssueBean.toString() and ScriptIssueDeltaBean.toString() methods for issue beans were modified to include the versioned item ID.
To use these new methods, the following trigger scripts were updated:
• email.js
• signatureRequired.js
• postLinkedIssue.js
• PromoteIssue.js
• javamail.js
• hello.js
• escalate.js
• emailAdvanced.js
• dependentStatus.js