Server Administration > Item Type Attributes > Administering Microsoft Word Templates
Administering Microsoft Word Templates
You can provide users with the ability to edit items in Microsoft Word using the Edit in Word action. Items are edited in a Word editor within the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client. For details on the user experience when editing items and documents in Word, see the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Help Center.
The following is required for editing in Microsoft®Word:
User access to a ViewSet containing the Edit in Word action
Microsoft Word template in DOTX format (see “Word Template Elements”)
You must specify a template for users to use when editing a document in the Word editor.
You can administer Microsoft® Word templates from the Type dialog box (see “Viewing Types”) in the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administration client. To view and modify the templates, click the Word Templates node.
Key Considerations
The following are key considerations when using Word templates:
For templates intended for single item editing, the content elements are optional
( <%beginContent%> and <%endContent%>) and are not required to exist in the template file (the elements are ignored by Integrity Lifecycle Manager).
For templates intended for document editing, the template file must be of type DOTX and include the content elements (<%beginContent%> and <%endContent%>). The format defined for the default level is used to create the building block for adding new content items.
If levels are used, ensure there is a meaningful default level block, for example, define the format used for adding new content item between <%beginLevel%> and <%endLevel%>.
DOTX templates are stored in the database by type, and cannot be shared between Types. Templates for a type can be saved to the file system and then added to another type.
Smart quotation marks are not supported in Word templates. Ensure smart quotation marks are disabled in Microsoft Word when creating the template.
When extracting a field property (such as the default value, the editability rule, or the relevance rule) the Integrity Lifecycle Manager item type override is used. For a document, the type used to evaluate a type override is the node type.
When evaluating the editability and relevance rules, the rule must be a clear FALSE or it is considered to be true.
If a field is not relevant when the edit operation is performed, the field is not used in the template.
Editing relationship fields in the Word editor is not supported. The related items display as read-only IDs.
Editing attachment fields in the Word editor is not supported. By default, contents of the field display as read-only text.
Section numbers are internally determined by Microsoft Word styles Heading 1 to Heading 9. However, using the heading styles defined in the provided in EditInWordBaseTemplate.dotx (see “Sample Word Templates”) is recommended.
When opening DOTX templates, ensure you are opening them correctly for editing (and saving) as a template. Because it is possible to edit and save the document with the DOTX file extension even when it is no longer a template, the file that is uploaded to the type may not actually be a template, and consequently not used when the Edit in Word command is run by a user.
Word Template Operations
Word Template Properties
Word Template Elements
Valid Field Attributes For DOTX Templates
Sample Word Templates