Server Administration > Item Type Attributes > Setting Up Documents > Defining the Format of Printed Documents > To define a print report format for a Segment type in the GUI
To define a print report format for a Segment type in the GUI
1. Create a report to use with Segment types using the report feature. The administrator Reports documentation describes for how to configure reports and report recipes. The user Reports documentation describes how they are used.
2. From the Create Type or Edit Type panel, with the Segment selected, select a report from the Print Report list.
Any administration report can be used for printing a document. For more information, see article CS229164 on the PTC Integrity eSupport portal.
3. Complete the rest of the panel depending on the document model definition you require.
4. Click OK. The report is attached to the Segment for this Document type.
When a user selects Document > Print in the Document view, the document prints using the report specified for the Segment. If no report is defined, the table on the right is sent to the printer.
When a document is selected in the Item view and a user selects View > Print, they are presented with an option to print Selected Document. This option exists only if an item type is a document Segment and there is an print report associated with the type.
Integrity Lifecycle Manager does not support multiple document printing. If multiple documents are selected in the Item view, this option is unavailable.