Server Administration > Item Type Attributes > Setting Type Overrides > Overrides for States > To set a type override for states
To set a type override for states
im edittype
1. From the Types view, select the type you want to edit.
2. Select Type > Edit. The Edit Type dialog box displays.
3. In the tree pane, select the Overrides for States node. The display pane shows the states referenced by the selected type. A checkmark indicates the attributes have been overridden.
Column headers display the state attributes that are available for override, including Description, Image, and Capabilities.
4. To set an override for a state, highlight the state in the list, and click Edit. The Edit State Overrides For Type <type name> dialog box displays.
If the Override the global rule option is not selected, an editable attribute displays the global value. A checkmark in the tab indicates an override.
To view the existing overrides for a state, highlight the state, and click View.
5. To set an override for the description attribute, click the Description tab, and select the for Override the global description option. In the text field, type the text description you want to apply to this state only when referenced by this type.
6. To view the existing sequence of states referenced by this type, click the Position tab. The list of states displays. Details displayed under the Position tab is for information purposes only and cannot be edited.
7. To set an override for the image attribute, click the Image tab, select the Override the global image option, and make the required changes in the image selection.
You can associate a custom icon image with the state. To do this, select Use Custom Image, and browse for the image file. To have no image associated with the type, select No Image. If you choose to use your own custom icon image, the image must be in GIF or JPEG format, and no larger than 24 x 16 pixels.
8. To view the administrative changes made to states referenced by this type, click the History tab. A list of administrative changes, if any, displays. Details displayed under the History tab is for information purposes only and cannot be edited.
9. To set an override for the state capability attribute, click the Capabilities tab, select the Override global capabilities option, and make the required changes to define state-based capabilities. In Integrity Lifecycle Manager, state-based capabilities allow time entries to exist while an item is in a given state. For more information on creating, editing, viewing, and deleting time entries, see the User documentation.
In Integrity Lifecycle Manager, state-based capabilities allow change packages that are under review or change packages that are open to exist while an item is in a given state. For more information on the change package review and approval process, see the User documentation.
If the item state does not allow open change packages, Integrity Lifecycle Manager prompts users to close the item’s change package before they move any item to that state. In addition, if an item state does not allow open change packages, users cannot create new change packages for any items in that state.
To define a state-based capability, do one of the following:
To display only enabled state-based capabilities, from the Filter list select <Selected>.
To display all available state-based capabilities, from the Filter list select <All>.
To display only the state-based capabilities related to Integrity Lifecycle Manager, select Integrity Lifecycle Manager. Then to allow time entries in the selected state, enable the Allows time entry in this state option.
To display only the state-based capabilities related to Integrity Lifecycle Manager, select Integrity Lifecycle Manager.Then select one or more of the following capabilities:
To allow change packages under review in the selected state, enable the Allows SI change packages under review to exist in this state option.
To allow open change packages in the selected state, enable the Allows open SI change packages to exist option.
If you are using the Implementer integration with Integrity Lifecycle Manager, additional state-based capabilities are available.
10. When you are finished setting the overrides, click OK.