Server Administration > Item Type Attributes > Setting Type Overrides > Overrides for Fields > To set a type override for fields
To set a type override for fields
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1. From the Types view, select the type you want to edit.
2. Select Type > Edit. The Edit Type dialog box displays.
3. In the tree pane, select the Override for Fields node. The display pane shows the fields referenced by the selected type. A checkmark indicates the attribute has been overridden.
Column headers display the field attributes that are available for override, including Description, Relevance, Editability, Ranges, Display Pattern, and Phases.
4. To set an override for a field, highlight the field in the list, and click Edit. The Edit Field Overrides For Type <type name> dialog box displays.
To view the existing overrides for a field, highlight the field, and click View.
If the Override the global rule option is not selected, an editable attribute displays the global value. A checkmark in the tab indicates an override. You can set the following overrides:
To set an override for a numeric field’s global display pattern, click the Values tab (if not already displayed), select the Override the global display pattern option, and make the required changes.
To set an override for global range values, click the Values tab (if not already displayed), select the Override the global range values option, and make the required changes. For more information on ranges, see “Range Fields”.
To set an override for global phases, click the Values tab (if not already displayed), select the Override the global phases option, and make the required changes. For more information on phases, see “Phase Fields”.
To set an override for the default value, click the Values tab (if not already displayed), select the Override the default value option, and change the Set Default Value option. If the field is an integer, float, or date field, you can also change the Set Minimum Value and Set Maximum Value options. If you do not want to use a default or minimum/maximum value for the type, disable Override the default value.
To set an override for parameter substitution in a text field, click the Values tab (if not already displayed), select Override "Substitute Parameters" Value and change the Substitute Parameters option. When parameter substitution is not enabled for a field, you see parameter entries in the following format: {{<parameter  name>}}. When parameter substitution is enabled for a field, the parameter name is replace with a parameter value when you view the item through a view or report that supports parameter substitution.
To set an override for default columns in a relationship field, click the Default Columns tab, select the Override the global default columns option, and make the required changes.
To set an override for the relevance attribute, click the Relevance tab, select the Override the global rule option, and make the required changes. For more information on the relevance attribute, see “Setting Field Relevance”.
To set an override for the editability attribute, click the Editability tab, select the Override the global rule option, and make the required changes. For more information on the editability attribute, see “Setting Field Editability”.
To set an override for the description attribute, click the Description tab, and select the Override the global description option. In the text field, type the text description you want to apply to this field only when referenced by this type.
To view the existing sequence of fields referenced by this type, click the Position tab. The list of fields displays.
To view the administrative changes made to fields referenced by this type, click the History tab. A list of administrative changes, if any, displays.
Position and History information is for information purposes only and is not editable.
5. When you are finished setting the overrides, click OK.