Server Configuration > Service Packs and HotFixes > Manually Applying Client-side Service Packs > To manually apply a client-side service pack
To manually apply a client-side service pack
1. Shut down the Integrity Lifecycle Manager clients.
2. Browse to the ICServicePack directory. On Windows, the directory is located under the user profile, for example, c:/Documents and Settings/username/ICServicePack. On UNIX, the directory is $HOME/.ICServicePack.
3. Delete all content in the ICServicePack directory.
4. Copy the client patch file to a temporary location on the client, for example, C:/Temp.
5. From a command line, run the following command:
Integrity Client installdir/bin/PatchClient c:/Temp/
It is also possible to just specify the path to a directory that contains the service pack. However, specifying the path to a directory causes the command to apply all service packs and hotfixes that exist at that location.
6. Once the command has completed successfully, restart the Integrity Lifecycle Manager clients.
To verify that the service pack installed correctly, examine the client’s build and service pack number (Help > About, si about, or im about). Also, the client patch file should no longer exist.
If you receive any errors running the PatchClient command, contact Customer Support for assistance.