Agent Installation and Configuration > Installing Integrity Lifecycle Manager Agent > GUI Install
GUI Install
This section describes how to install an Integrity Lifecycle Manager Agent from the DVD browser.
1. If you are installing on a UNIX platform, complete the following steps before continuing; otherwise, go to step 2.
a. Copy mksagent.bin to a temporary directory on your server computer.
b. Make sure the environment variable $DISPLAY is set.
c. To make mksagent.bin executable, run:
chmod +x mksagent.bin
d. To run the installation, type
2. The InstallAnywhere window displays as the files needed for the installation are extracted, followed by the License Agreement dialog box. Read the license agreement and indicate your acceptance.
If your system language is Japanese, the installer program runs in Japanese. You can change the installer language to English when prompted by the Run installer in dialog box that displays before the license agreement.
3. Click Next. The Integrity Lifecycle Manager AgentInstallation Location dialog box displays. Accept the default path location or specify another location by browsing or typing the path of the directory where you want to install the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Agent.
If at any time you want to restore the default location, click Restore Default Directory.
4. Click Next. The Select Product Language dialog box displays.
In the Use Integrity in check box, select the product language for the Integrity user interface. Currently the following languages are supported: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, German, Japanese, Korean, and French. The default value is based on the system language. For example, if the system language is set to English, then the default value is English and the user interface displays in English. If the system language is set to Japanese, then the default value is Japanese and the user interface displays in Japanese.
If the system language is a non-supported language, the Use locale format: check box displays (selected by default) with the value set to the system language. This option allows you to display time, number, and currency values in locale-specific formats. For example, if you select the English user interface on a Welsh system, the locale format defaults to Welsh, and the format of all time, number, and currency values is specific to local Welsh rules.
Note the following about this option:
This option requires selecting English for the user interface.
To enable English with no local formatting, clear the check box.
If Use Integrity in is set to Japanese, this check box is unselected by default. If you select the check box, then Use Integrity in automatically resets to English.
5. Click Install. The InstallingIntegrity Lifecycle Manager Agent dialog box displays while the installation program installs the Integrity Lifecycle Manager Agent files to the location you specified.
6. To close the installer, click Done. The Integrity Lifecycle Manager Agent is now installed and ready to configure.