Server Administration > Change Packages for SCM > Editing Change Package Types > To edit a change package type in the GUI
To edit a change package type in the GUI
1. From the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administration client, expand the node for Workflows and Documents, and select Change Package Types. The display pane shows the available change package types.
2. To search for the specific change package type you want to edit, type in the text filter.
3. Highlight the change package type you want to edit, and select Change Package Type > Edit. The Edit Change Package Type dialog box displays.
4. Edit options as necessary:
To enter a description for the change package type, click the Description tab, and type in the field.
To customize the order the change package types display in the list, click the Position tab to display the Position panel, and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in the list.
To specify which groups are allowed to view and modify change packages of the specified type, click the Permitted Groups tab. By default, the everyone group is permitted to view change packages of the specified type.
Note the following:
The Shared With Principals list specifies the groups that are allowed to view or modify change packages of the change package type being edited.
To assign permissions to a group, move the group from the Groups list to the Shared With Principals list.
To permit members of a group to modify changes packages for the editing change package type, in the Modify column click the corresponding check box.
To specify which users and groups are allowed to administer the change package type, see “To assign administrators to change package types”.
To determine all objects that reference the change package type, click the References tab.
To view a history of administrative changes for the change package type, click the History tab. The record of changes displays.
5. To save your changes, click OK.