User Help > Grouping Files Under Version Control > Comparing Configuration Management Project Checkpoints
Comparing Configuration Management Project Checkpoints
As you work with the project and its members, the content of the project file changes:
The revision number of the project is updated each time you checkpoint that project.
As you check in individual project members, their revision numbers change.
Project members may be added or deleted.
Project attributes may be added or deleted.
The View Project Differences command can compare the following:
two specified checkpoints of the project
working project (or the last checkpoint of a build project’s branch) with a specified checkpoint
working project (for normal or variant projects) with the last checkpoint
The View Project Differences command only compares project checkpoints that are within a single line of development; it does not compare project checkpoints across branches.
Information is provided on any change packages that have been applied between two checkpoints of the project (or one checkpoint and the current version). This information is extremely useful for confirming the specific content of a project.
Compare two checkpoints
From the Project History View, select the two checkpoints of the project you want to compare and click Project > Views > View Differences (GUI) or History > View Project Difference (Web).
Compare the working project with a checkpoint
From the Project History View, select a checkpoint and click Project > Views > View Differences (GUI) or History > View Project Difference (Web).
Compare the working project with the last checkpoint
From the Project view, click Project > Views > View Differences (GUI) or Project > View Project Differences (Web).
For normal projects, the last checkpoint is the last checkpoint on the trunk; for variant projects, it is the last checkpoint on the variant’s branch. For build projects, Integrity Lifecycle Manager compares the contents of the build project checkpoint with the last checkpoint on the build project’s branch.
Configuration Management Project Differences View