You can set toolbar preferences for the other views as part of your ViewSet.
To add a separator, under Toolbar Contents, select the button under which you want the separator to appear. Then, under Available Buttons, select a separator and click Add. On the main toolbar, the separator is positioned to the right of the existing button or separator.
To change the sequence of a button or separator, remove it from the Toolbar Contents list and then add it to the desired location.
Annotated Revision View
Under Options, you can select the default options available in the Annotated Revision view:
• Character encoding specifies the encoding used to display revision contents.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Annotated Revision view:
• Author displays the author of the revision.
• C.P. ID displays the revision’s associated change package ID.
• Date displays the date each revision in the history was created.
• Labels displays revision labels.
• Line displays the line number for each line of text in the revision (for use when Revision Contents is selected).
• Revision displays the member’s revision number.
• Revision Contents displays the text contained in a revision.
Archive Information View
Show Labels displays archive labels.
Show Locks displays locks.
Change Package View
Show Uncommitted Entries displays deferred entries that have not been submitted and therefore committed to the repository. Also displays lock entries.
Show Pending Entries displays pending entries that are not committed to the repository.
Show Propagation Information displays a list of change packages that have been propagated by the change package. It also displays a list of change packages that propagated the change package.
Show Committed Entries displays entries that have been committed to the repository.
Show Review Information displays the Review Log panel containing review information.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Entries panel of the Change Package view:
• Bytes Added displays the number of bytes added to the revision by the operation. This column displays 0 for text files.
• Bytes Deleted displays the number of bytes deleted from the revision by the operation. This column displays 0 for text files.
• Date Changed displays the date the entry was made.
• Lines Added displays the number of lines added to the revision by the operation. This column displays 0 for binary files.
• Lines Deleted displays the number of lines deleted from the revision by the operation. This column displays 0 for binary files.
• Location displays the archive location for members or the location for subprojects.
• Member displays the name of the member or subproject affected by the operation.
• Member Type displays the type of project element affected by the operation (member or subproject).
• Project displays the name and path of the project where the operation was performed. If the operation occurred in a shared subproject, the project where the subproject is shared from is displayed. If the operation involved two different projects (for example, moving a member from one project to another), the source project is displayed for non-committed entries, and the target project is displayed for committed entries.
• Revision displays the number of the revision in the change package entry.
• Sandbox displays the name of the Sandbox where the deferred operation or checkout took place.
• Server displays the host name of the server the entry was made on.
• Text displays true or false to indicate if the change package entry has a text archive. If false, the entry is a binary archive.
• Type is the entry type of the change package entry.
• Variant displays the name of the variant development path (if a variant was used) the change package entry occurred on.
Change Packages View
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Change Packages view:
• Closed Date displays the date the change package was closed.
• Created Date displays the date the change package was created.
• Creator displays the username who created the change package.
• Description displays the description provided for the change package.
• ID displays the change package ID.
• Is Resolution displays yes if the change package is a resolution change package, and no if it is not. You cannot create resolution change packages as of Integrity Lifecycle Manager 2006.
• Item displays the item ID if the Integrity Lifecycle Manager integration is enabled.
• Propagated displays a list of the change packages that have been propagated by the change package.
• Propagated By displays a list of the change packages that propagated the change package.
• Reason is only relevant when applying change packages, and is not used in the standalone Change Packages view.
• Resolutions represent the list of change packages that the target change package addresses. You cannot create resolution change packages as of Integrity Lifecycle Manager 2006.
• Server displays the server the change package was created on.
• State displays current state of the change package, which can be Open, Closed, Submitted, Rejected, Discarded, Accepted, or CommitFailed.
• Summary displays the summary statement for the change package.
• Type displays the type of change package: Development, Propagation, or Resolution. Resolution is still a valid change package type, although you cannot create new resolution change packages as of Integrity Lifecycle Manager 2006.
Member History View
Initial Revision Filter allows you to set the default filter for the view by selecting Change Filter.
Initial View allows you to select either Graphical View or List View as the default view for the window.
Show beside each node in graphical view allows you to determine the information displayed beside each revision node in the graphical view.
Maximum number of Trunk Revisions allows you to set the default maximum number of revisions displayed in this view.
Checkpoint label filter allows you to filter checkpoint labels displayed for each revision in which it participated.
Show Legend displays the legend for the graphical history view.
Show Details displays detailed information in a separate panel for the selected revision.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Member History View:
• Author displays the author of the member.
• C.P. ID displays the change package ID associated with the revision number.
• Checkpoint Label(s) displays the list of checkpoints for which this revision is a member revision.
• Date displays the date each revision in the history was created.
• Locked
displays the following Locker information if this revision is locked.
◦ Lock Timestamp displays the date and time a member is locked.
◦ Locked Icon displays the padlock icon to indicate that a file is locked.
◦ Locker displays who has a member locked.
◦ Locker C.P. ID displays the change package ID for the associated lock entry.
◦ Locker Development Path displays the name of the development path where the lock on the revision was made from. This information is relevant when the locking policy is set to devpath. This allows a single user to have a single lock on an archive per development path. Contact your administrator for more information.
◦ Locker Host displays the host name of the computer that locked the member.
◦ Locker Project displays the name and path of the project where the member revision was locked from. If the member revision was locked from a shared subproject, it is the subproject name and path that are displayed.
◦ Locker Sandbox displays the name of the Sandbox where the lock on the revision was made. It is relevant when viewing the information from the Locker Host.
• Revision displays the member’s revision number.
• Revision Description displays the revision description assigned to the project member.
• Revision Label(s) displays member labels.
• State displays the state of the member revision.
Member Information View
Show Attributes displays member attributes.
Show Change Package Information displays change package information (only if change packages are enabled).
Show Labels displays member labels.
Show Rule displays member rule information.
Show Member Revision Information displays the active projects and development paths that the member is the member revision in.
Member Labels View
Recurse Into Subprojects displays the hierarchy of subprojects.
Non-Members View
Recurse Into Subprojects specifies whether you want to apply the Non-Member Filter recursively to subprojects.
Include Former Members specifies whether to include members that have been dropped from the project, but the working files still exist in the Sandbox directory.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Non-Members view:
• Absolute Path displays the absolute file path of the file.
• Closest Project displays the project associated with the Sandbox that is closest to the directory containing the file.
• Closest Sandbox displays the Sandbox that is closest to the directory containing the file.
• Last Modified displays the date that the file was last modified.
• Member ID displays the default member name for the file as it would appear if it was added to the nearest project. In the case where the nearest project is subproject, the relative path displays with the member name.
• Size displays the size of the file in bytes.
• Symbolic Link displays whether members are symbolic link files.
Locate View
Depth for lookup specifies the depth of the search. Select one of the following options:
• Current items searches current project configurations (normal and variant projects).
• Current and Checkpointed searches current project configurations and checkpoints.
• All items searches current project configurations, checkpoints, and in between checkpoints.
Project Scope specifies which projects to search. Select one of the following options:
• This Project searches the current project and its subprojects.
• Other Projects searches all projects and subprojects, except the current project.
• All Projects searches all projects and subprojects.
Devpath Scope specifies which development paths to search. Select one of the following options:
• This Devpath searches the current development path.
• Other Devpaths searches all development paths, except the current development path.
• All Devpaths searches all development paths.
Default Mode specifies the default mode that you want to display the search results in. Select one of the following options:
• Distinct Mode displays only the projects and development paths containing the object you are searching. From the Default Distinct list, choose the information you want to display in Distinct Mode.
• List Mode displays detailed information about all occurrences of the object in the projects and development paths containing the object.
Default Distinct specifies the information to display in Distinct Mode. Select one of the following options:
• Projects lists only project names.
• Devpaths lists only development path names.
• Registered Projects lists only registered top-level project names.
Limit Search to Active Paths searches projects that are accessible from head revision and are registered projects.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Locate view:
• Checkpoints displays the checkpoints containing the object.
• Checkpoint Labels displays parent project’s checkpoint labels.
If there are multiple labels on the same checkpoint, the Locate view displays the labels in a comma-separated list. Selecting the list displays a drop-down list of labels.
• Configuration Path displays the configuration paths of projects containing the object.
• Dates displays the date ranges in which the object exists.
• Development Path displays the development paths containing the object.
• Name displays the name of the object.
• Project displays the projects containing the object.
• Project Path displays the paths of projects containing the object.
• Registered Projects displays the registered top-level projects containing the object.
• Revisions displays the member’s revisions.
Locks View
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Locks view:
• Archive Name displays the name of the locked archive.
• C.P. ID displays the change package ID associated with the lock.
• Development Path displays the name of the development path from which the lock on the revision was made. This information is relevant when the locking policy is set to devpath. This allows a single user to have a single lock on an archive per development path.
• Host displays the name of the computer on which the lock was performed.
• Lock Type displays the type of lock obtained on checkout.
• Member Name displays the name of the locked member.
• Project displays the path and name of the project from which the member revision is locked. If the member revision is locked from a shared subproject, the subproject path and name are shown.
• Revision displays the locked revision number.
• Sandbox displays the name of the sandbox where the lock on the revision was made. The sandbox is relevant when viewing the information from the locker host.
• Time displays the time the archive was locked.
• User displays the user name of the person holding the lock.
Project View
Recurse Into Subprojects displays the hierarchy of subprojects.
Project Differences View
Show Applied Change Packages displays all the change packages applied between two project revisions.
Member Attribute Changes displays all modifications of member attributes between two project revisions.
Show Member Changes displays all modifications to each member.
Show Revision Description displays the content of the revision description.
Show Change Packages displays a list of revision modifications that can be associated with change packages and a list of those that cannot.
Recurse into Subprojects displays the hierarchy of subprojects.
Project Change Package Differences View
Recurse Into Subprojects displays the hierarchy of subprojects.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Project Change Package Differences view:
• Bytes Added displays the number of bytes added by the operation. For text files, this field displays 0.
• Bytes Deleted displays the number of bytes deleted by the operation. For text files, this field displays 0.
• C.P. ID displays the ID of the item associated with the selected change package.
• Config Path displays the configuration path of the change package entry.
• Creator displays the ID of the user who added the member to the change package.
• Date Changed displays the timestamp of the change package entry.
• Lines Added displays the number of lines added by the operation. For binary files, this field displays 0.
• Lines Deleted displays the number of lines deleted by the operation. For binary files, this field displays 0.
• Location displays the archive location for members or the location of the parent project for subprojects (the canonical path).
• Member displays the name of the member or subproject affected by the operation.
• Member Type displays the type of project element affected by the operation (member or subproject).
• Project displays the path and name of the project where the operation was performed. If the operation occurred in a shared subproject, the subproject path and name are shown. If the operation involved two different projects (for example, moving a member from one project to another), the command returns two entries. The first entry is the originating project, and the second entry the destination project.
• Revision displays the member revision number.
• Server displays the server the change package resides on.
• Summary displays the change package summary.
• Text displays true or false to indicate if the change package entry has a text archive. If false, the entry is a binary archive.
• Type displays how the member was added to the change package.
• Variant displays the names of variant projects associated with the member.
Project History View
Initial Revision Filter allows you to set the default filter for the view by selecting Change Filter.
Initial View allows you to select either Graphical View or List View as the default view for the window.
Show beside each node in graphical view allows you to determine the information displayed beside each checkpoint node in the graphical view.
Maximum number of Trunk Revisions allows you to set the default maximum number of checkpoints displayed in this view.
Show Legend displays the legend for the graphical history view.
Show Details displays detailed information in a separate panel for the selected checkpoint.
Show Inactive Development Paths displays checkpoints for development paths that have been deactivated.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Project History list view:
• Associated Items displays any Integrity Lifecycle Manager items associated with the checkpoint.
• Author displays the author of the project.
• Checkpoint Description displays the description entered for the checkpoint. Initially, the description is set when you checkpoint. You can add to or modify the description later if needed.
• Date displays the date each checkpoint in the history was created.
• Labels displays project labels.
• Revision displays the checkpoint number.
• State displays the state of the checkpoint.
Project Information View
Show Attributes displays project attributes.
Show Development Paths displays development paths for creating variant Sandboxes.
Show Associated Items displays any Integrity Lifecycle Manager items associated with the project.
Project Locks View
This view is available only to users with RemoveOtherUserLocks permission.
Include subprojects indicates whether the Project Locks view displays locks for the project and its subprojects or for only the project. When this option is set to ?, the Include all subprojects window opens when a user runs the Project Locksaction. This allows the user to decide whether to also find locks in subprojects before the view opens.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Project Locks view. The columns available for selection are the same as those shown earlier for the Locks view.
Projects View
Show Subprojects displays registered subprojects.
My Sandboxes View
Show Subsandboxes displays registered subsandboxes.
Revision Contents View
Revision Contents View allows you to select keyword expansion options when viewing member revisions or launching an external editor.
• To leave keywords unexpanded, select Do Not Expand.
• To replace keywords in the revision with literal values in the working file, select Expand.
• To replace literal values in the revision with keywords, select Unexpand.
Revision Information View
Show Labels displays labels on the revision.
Show Change Package Information displays change package information (only if change packages are enabled).
Show Member Revision Information displays the active projects and development paths that the revision is the member revision in.
Sandbox View
Recurse Into Subprojects displays the hierarchy of subprojects.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Sandbox view.
• Archive Shared indicates with a blue striped document and hand icon which project members share another member’s archive.
• Attributes displays project attributes. • Changed Since Last Checkpoint displays to indicate members that have changed since the project was last checkpointed. It indicates members that have changed due to operations that caused a change in member revision. These operations include Add Member, Rename Member, Move Member, Update Member Revision, and so on.
• Creation CPID displays the change package that created the revision that is currently the member revision. This revision can be different from the Member CPID if an import, add member from archive, or set member revision operation was used. • Deferred displays to indicate that an operation on a member is deferred. • Frozen indicates with a snowflake icon which members are frozen. • Labels displays member labels. Also displays checkpoint labels on a build project or a subproject configured as build. • Locked displays Locker information if this revision is locked. ◦ Lock Timestamp displays the date and time a member is locked. ◦ Locker CPID displays the change package associated with the lock on the member revision. ◦ Locker Project displays the name and path of the project where the member revision was locked from. If the member revision was locked from a shared subproject, it is the subproject name and path that are displayed. ◦ Locked Icon displays the padlock icon to indicate that a revision is locked. ◦ Locker Development Path displays the name of the development path where the lock on the revision is made from. ◦ Locker Sandbox displays the name of the Sandbox where the lock on the revision was made. It is relevant when viewing the information from the Locker Host. ◦ Locker displays who has a member locked. ◦ Locker Host displays the host name of the computer that locked the member. • Member Archive display the name of the archive the member refers to. • Member CPID displays the change package associated with the operation that set the member revision. • Member Rev. displays the member’s revision number. • Member Rev. Description displays the revision description assigned to the Sandbox member. • Member Rev. Timestamp displays the date and time the member revision is set. • Name displays the project, subproject, and the project members by file name. • New Revision Delta displays a delta icon to indicate that a new revision for the member is available. • Pending CPID displays the change package associated with a pending operation. • Revision Sync Delta displays a delta icon to indicate that your working revision does not match the member revision (usually due to branching). • State displays the state of the member revision. • Type displays the type of each project, and project member. • Working Archive displays the name of the archive from which the working file is derived. • Working CPID displays the change package associated with a work in progress, deferred, or lock operation performed by the current user from the current Sandbox. • Working File Delta displays a delta icon to indicate that your working file has changed. • Working Rev. displays the checked out revision number that corresponds to the member’s working file. |
Sandbox Information View
Show Attributes displays the Project Attributes and Sandbox Attributes tabs.
Show Associated Items displays any Integrity Lifecycle Manager items associated with the project.
View Item
Display history shows the item history when viewing a single item.
Display workflow shows the item type workflow when viewing a single item.
Display relationships shows the relationships when viewing a single item.
Display attachments shows attachments when viewing a single item.
Display change packages shows associated change packages when viewing a single item.
Display time entries shows time entries when viewing a single item.
History order shows item history in ascending or descending order. Available options are: Most recent last and Most recent first.
Display all attachment attributes shows attributes for the attachment that is being viewed.
View Queries
Created By shows the name of the user who created the query.
Description shows any information entered for the query description.
Fields shows the visible fields in the query.
Image shows any image, whether default or custom, associated with a query.
Last Modified shows the date that the query was last modified.
Is Admin Provided shows whether the query is a shared administrative object.
Name shows the name of the query.
Shared With shows which groups the query is shared to.
Sort Direction shows the direction that the query is sorted by.
Sort Field shows the field that the query is sorted by.
View Reports
Created By shows the name of the user who created the report.
Description shows any information entered for the report description.
Is Admin Provided shows whether the report is a shared administrative object.
Last Modified shows the date that the report was last modified.
Name shows the name of the report.
Query shows the query that the report is based on.
Shared With shows which groups the report is shared to.
View Charts
Chart Type shows the type of chart (distribution, item fields, trend, or item fields trend).
Created By shows the name of the user who created the chart.
Description shows any information entered for the chart description.
Graph Style shows the type of graph used to display the chart data.
Is Admin Provided shows whether the chart is a shared administrative object.
Last Modified shows the date that the chart was last modified.
Name shows the name of the chart.
Query shows the query that the chart is based on.
Shared With shows which groups the chart is shared to.
View Dashboards
Created By shows the name of the user who created the dashboard.
Description shows any information entered for the dashboard description.
Is Admin Provided shows whether the dashboard is a shared administrative object.
Last Modified shows the date that the dashboard was last modified.
Name shows the name of the dashboard.
Shared With shows which groups the dashboard is shared to.
View Users
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Groups
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Dynamic Groups
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Projects
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Item States
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Item Types
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Fields
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
View Server Triggers
View used only by the Integrity Lifecycle Manager administrator.
Working File Changes
Recurse Into Subprojects extends through child directories to identify adds, drops, and updates.
Under Columns, you can select which columns you want displayed in the Working File Changes view.
• Absolute Path displays the absolute path of the file, folder, or subproject on the disk.
• Changes indicates the type of change, including additions, deletions, or updates to files on the disk.
• CP ID indicates the change package ID associated with the entry on disk for the current user.
• Notes displays additional entry information when further action needs to be taken before the entry can be moved to change packages and change packages can be submitted to the repository.