User Help > Managing Source Files as Members > Setting the Default Member Revision > Set Member Revision/Rule Dialog Box (GUI)
Set Member Revision/Rule Dialog Box (GUI)
Set a pre-defined or specific revision as the member revision.
Pre-Defined Revision option is a symbolic revision that represents a location in the development path. To select a pre-defined revision to update the member revision to, click Pre-Defined Revision, then choose a pre-defined revision from the list. Available pre-defined revisions are:
Working updates the member revision to the version of the working file.
Head updates the member revision to the member’s head revision.
Trunk Tip updates the member revision to the latest revision in the trunk, independent of the default branch settings.
Member Branch Tip updates the member revision to the latest revision along the member’s current branch of development.
Member Rule updates the member revision to the revision defined as the member rule. The member rule is configured using the Set Member Rule command.
The Specific Revision option allows you to select a revision number, or a revision based on a property (state, label, or timestamp), current project configuration, or external project configuration. To select a specific revision, click Specific Revision, then click one of the following tabs: Revisions, Properties, Project, or Link.
Select a specific revision as the member revision.
Select a revision with a specific state, label, or timestamp as the member revision.
Last revision with state allows you to make a revision with a specific state the member revision.
This option displays only if promotion is enabled by your administrator. The options in the list depend on the states configured by your administrator. For more information on the available states, see your administrator.
Revision with label allows you to make a specific labeled revision the member revision.
This option displays only if labels exist in the member history.
Last revision at date allows you to make the most recent revision at the specified timestamp the member revision. Because the revision may be on a different branch closest to the specified timestamp, you can limit the matching of the timestamp to the revision to a Member branch, Any branch, or a specific branch in the list.
Set the member revision to whatever is the member revision for the corresponding member in a specific external project configuration (normal, variant, build). To link the project that the member belongs to (the target project) with the master project, configure the following options:
To specify the master project, click Member Revision in a Specified Project. Next, click Select to browse for the specific project and configuration type.
Under Member, choose an option to specify the member in the target project:
Find member in specified project searches for the member with the same backing archive in the target project.
Find member recursively searches recursively throughout the subprojects for the member. There must be exactly one backing archive for each member.
Specify member name is the name of the member in the target project. This is useful when the target project contains several members that point to the same archive as the current member.