User Help > Managing Source Files as Members > Identifying Members to Add to Projects
Identifying Members to Add to Projects
From Integrity Lifecycle Manager, you can view non-member files (files that have not been placed under version control) residing in your Sandbox directory. The Non-Members view is useful when used recursively to identify all of the files that may need to be placed under source control.
To view non-members, from a Sandbox view, select Sandbox > Views > View Non-Members.
If a member is selected when you display the Non-Members view, the non-members for the nearest project or subproject are displayed. The project or subproject name used by the Non-Members view displays in the title bar.
You cannot display multiple Non-Members views for the same Sandbox.
The Non-Members view does not display files that are:
deferred imported members
deferred add members from archive
pending members (add, add from archive, import)
working files from members that are renamed but not resynchronized
By default, former members (members that were dropped from your Sandbox) are not displayed in the Non-Members view.
You can add a non-member to a project, or delete or edit a non-member by selecting one or more files and selecting the appropriate option on the View menu. You can also filter the contents of the Non-Members view.
Working With Non-Members
The following commands are available for working with Non-Members:
View > Add
For selected files, launches the Add Members wizard. For more information, see Adding Members to a Project.
Note that for this instance of the Add Members wizard, the Cancel button cancels the operation for all subsequent files being added. Similarly, the Cancel button on the subsequent Create Archive dialog box also cancels the operation for all subsequent files being added.
View > Add to Closest Sandbox
For selected files, launches a specialized Add Members wizard that adds the members to their closest sandbox (the sandbox displayed in the Closest Sandbox column of the Non-Members view).
Note the following about this instance of the Add Members wizard:
The options available in this instance of the Add Members wizard are a subset of the options available on the Add Members wizard launched by the View > Add command.
You can only specify the change package on the Add Members wizard. The specified change package is enforced on the subsequent Create Archive dialog box.
For this instance of the Add Members wizard, the Finish button applies to all of the files that were selected in the Non-Members view.
For this instance of the Add Members wizard (and its subsequent Create Archive dialog box), the Cancel button cancels the operation for all subsequent files being added.
View > Delete
Deletes the selected files.
View > Edit
Edits the selected files.
Filtering Non-Members
You can filter the content of the Non-Members view by specifying files, file types, or directories to include or exclude.
To filter the view, do one of the following:
Select one or more files and select View > Exclude with Name or View > Exclude with Extension.
Files excluded by name are not excluded once the Non-Members view is closed.
Select View > Filters and specify any combination of files or directories to include or exclude. By specifying file types to include, all file types not specified are excluded.
If filters are specified in the Non-Member Files Filter preferences, those filter settings appear in the Non-Member Filter dialog box. Your administrator may configure the preference for you, as well as lock it from being modified. If you are unable to add members with file types that are needed, contact your administrator for more information.
To specify all files with a specific file extension, use the wildcard (*), for example, *.java.
Non-Members View Information