User Help > Managing Source Files as Members > Filtering Members
Filtering Members
For large software projects, use filters to display only the relevant members for your task. Filters allow you to view and manipulate a predefined subset of project members that are grouped according to their properties.
In the GUI, filters appear in the Filter list located on the local toolbar in the Project and Sandbox views. The software configuration management Web interface provides a reduced set of filters related to managing project members. The Web filters appear in the Filter list located on the toolbar.
You can select from the following filters:
All Members
Shows all members of the current project or Sandbox.
Sparse Sandbox Contents
Shows only existing working files and deferred operations in a sparse Sandbox. This filter displays only if you have a sparse Sandbox open. A sparse Sandbox is a Sandbox that does not retain working files when a member is checked in.
Any Member Deltas
Shows only members that have working file changes or are out of sync with the member revisions in the project.
Modified Working Files
Shows only members with a working file that has been modified.
Out of Sync Members
Shows only members where the Sandbox revision is not the same as the member revision in the corresponding project.
Out of Scope Members
Shows only members that are outside of the scope definition of the Sandbox (if the Sandbox is a Scoped Sandbox).
Sandbox scope determines what subprojects and members are initially included in the Sandbox and transferred to the file system on resynchronization. For more information, see Specifying the Sandbox Scope
New Revision Available
Shows only those members where a new revision is available.
If you apply the New Revision Available filter in a variant Sandbox, the filter returns only new revisions available in the variant Sandbox. It does not return new revisions from the master project.
Working File Size Deltas
Shows only members with changes in the size (bytes) of the working file.
Missing Working Files
Shows only those members with missing working files.
Existing Working Files
Shows only members with existing working files.
New Members
Shows only members that are newly added to the project and that have not yet been modified.
Working File on Branch
Shows only members where the working file is on a branch from a given development path that is not the main development path.
Unresolved Merges
Shows only members affected by unresolved merges.
Work in Progress
Shows only members that are considered work in progress. Combines the Deferred Items, Members Locked By Me, and Modified Working Files filters.
Locked Members
Shows only members locked by any user.
Members Locked By Me
Shows only members locked by you.
Frozen Members
Shows only frozen members.
Changes to frozen members are not included as part of the member information in the project.
Members with Attribute
Shows only members with a particular attribute. If you choose this filter, Integrity Lifecycle Manager prompts you for the target attribute and value.
In the GUI, enter the target attribute name in the Attribute field and the value for that attribute in the Value field, then click OK.
In the Web interface, under Specify a Member Attribute, enter the attribute name in the field, then click OK. Enter the target attribute name in the Attribute field and the value for that attribute in the Value field, then click OK.
Members at Label
Shows only members that have the specified label assigned at the member revision. If you choose this filter, Integrity Lifecycle Manager prompts you for the target label.
Enter the label name, then click OK.
Members with Label
Shows only members with the specified label somewhere in their member history. If you choose this filter, Integrity Lifecycle Manager prompts you for the target label.
Enter the label name, then click OK.
Members at State
Shows only member revisions that have been assigned a specific promotion state. If you specify this filter, Integrity Lifecycle Manager prompts you to identify the target state. For more information on promotion states, contact your administrator.
Enter a state, then click OK.
Members with Name
Shows only members with the specified name. If you specify this filter, Integrity Lifecycle Manager prompts you to identify the target name.
Enter a name, including the file extension, in the Name field (for example, utility.dll), then click OK.
By default, this filter is case-sensitive. Deselect Case Sensitive to make it case-insensitive.
Members on Branch
Shows only members that are off the main line of development.
Pending Operations
Shows any members in your Sandbox that are associated with a pending operation.
Members With Rule
Shows any members that have a member rule.
Member Archive Shared
Shows any members that share another member’s archive.
Deferred Operations
Shows any members in your Sandbox that are associated with a deferred operation, such as a deferred add, drop, checkin, move, or rename.
Members Changed Since Last Checkpoint
Shows members that have changed since the project was last checkpointed. It displays members that have changed due to operations that caused a change in member revision. These operations include Add Member, Rename Member, Move Member, Update Member Revision, and so on.
The list of built-in filters only displays if a Project or Sandbox view is active. You must expand your project (including subprojects) or your Sandbox (including sub Sandboxes) to view the filtered members.
By selecting the option for Hide Empty Sandboxes or Hide Empty Projects, you can remove any Sandboxes or projects that do not contain members matching the current filter. Directories that do not contain members are also removed. Selecting the Hide Empty Sandboxes or Hide Empty Projects filters causes Integrity Lifecycle Manager to search each subproject recursively for members matching the current filter and is therefore a client resource intensive operation. If you have a complex project with numerous members, you may want to limit your use of this filtering option.
Once a filter is applied to a project, operations performed on all project members apply only to those members shown as a result of the filter. For example, if you apply the filter for Members at State and then perform a Lock Members operation for that project, the lock operation applies only to those members shown by the Members at State filter.
You can also perform operations on a group of members by using the Select command.