Your user name. The user name specified in the Add Members command configuration displays by default.
Revision Number
Revision number for the member. Integrity Lifecycle Manager creates the revision number 1.1 by default.
Data Type
File data type. The archive is stored in the specified format. The available options are:
• Auto means the file data type is determined automatically by Integrity Lifecycle Manager. For binary files less than 16K, specify the Binary file data type.
• Text is the file format expected by text file editors.
• Binary is file data type containing unprintable characters or lines too long to be handled by text editors.
On Existing Archive
Options that apply in the event that Integrity Lifecycle Manager finds an existing in project archive for the member you propose to add:
• Query User asks you for confirmation on the action to be taken.
• Share Archive uses the existing in project archive for the new member.
• Create New Archive creates a new in project archive for the new member.
• Cancel cancels the operation.
When both an in project and an out of tree archive exist for the member you propose to add, the options available to you depend on whether the last member dropped was in project or out of project as follows:
• When the last member dropped was in project, you are prompted to:
◦ Share Archive to use the existing in project archive for the new member.
◦ Create New Archive to create a new in project archive for the new member.
◦ Cancel to cancel the operation.
• When the last member dropped was out of tree, you are prompted to:
◦ Share Archive to use the existing out of tree archive for the new member.
◦ Create New Archive to search for an existing in project archive for the new member. If an existing in project archive is found, you are prompted to choose from the following options:
▪ Share Archive to use the existing in project archive for the new member.
▪ Create New Archive to create a new in project archive for the new member.
▪ Cancel to cancel the operation.
▪ If an existing in project archive is not found, an in project archive is created for the new member.
◦ Cancel cancels the operation.
On Existing Out Of Tree Archive
Options that apply in the event that Integrity Lifecycle Manager finds an existing out of tree archive for the member you propose to add:
• Query User asks you for confirmation on the action to be taken.
• Share Archive uses the existing out of tree archive for the new member.
• Create New Archive creates a new in project archive for the new member.
• Cancel cancels the operation.
Save Working File Timestamp
To set the timestamp of the revision in the history to the timestamp of the working file, rather than the time the member was added, select Save Working File Timestamp.
Close Change Package
To close the associated change package, select Close Change Package. This option only displays if your administrator has enabled the use of change packages.
Unexpand Keywords
To replace literal values in the revision with keywords, select Unexpand Keywords.
Defer Add
To defer adding the member to the project, select Defer Add. This delays the add operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted (see “Submitting Deferred Operations”). The operation in the Sandbox still takes place immediately.
If change package reviews are mandatory, and this option is not selected, a pending member (and a pending change package entry) is created when the operation is complete. For more information, see “Change Package Reviews Overview”.
Lock Revision
Locks the revision using the lock type specified in your locks policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator.
Retain Working File
To keep the working file of a newly added member, select Retain Working File.