Getting Started > Client Installation > Installing Integrity Lifecycle Manager Client > To install multiple Integrity Lifecycle Manager clients on a single machine
To install multiple Integrity Lifecycle Manager clients on a single machine
For the purpose of illustration, this procedure describes how to install two Windows clients on a single machine: a 2009 and 10 client.
1. Ensure that the clients are installed in two separate directories on your machine, for example:
2009 client installation directory:
c:/Program Files/client2009/IntegrityClient
10 client installation directory:
c:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10
2. For the 10 client, create a .bat file with the following content:
These variables work with the 10 client only. Do not create a .bat file for the 2009 client.

title client10

cd Program Files\client10\IntegrityClient10\bin

@REM Set the path to point at the 10 client install first.

set PATH=C:\Program Files\client10\IntegrityClient10\bin;%PATH%
To access mksis commands, add the Integrity Lifecycle Manager server path after the Integrity Lifecycle Manager client path. For example:
set PATH=C:\Program Files\client10\IntegrityClient10\bin\;
C:\Program Files\Integrity\IntegrityServer10\bin\;%PATH%
@REM Set the MKS_IC_INSTANCE_DIR variable to specify the location
of the client’s ViewSet, Sandbox registry, and preference files.

set MKS_IC_INSTANCE_DIR=C:\Program Files\client10\homedirectory
3. To ensure that Integrity 10 man pages display for the 10 client, set the following variables in the .bat file:
@REM Set the MAN variables.

set MAN_CHM_INDEX=C:/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/etc/chm/tkutil.idx;
C:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10/etc/siman.idx;
C:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10/etc/imman.idx;
C:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10/etc/isman.idx;

set MAN_TXT_INDEX=C:/PROGRA~1/MKSTOO~1/etc/chm/tkutil.idx;
C:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10/etc/siman.idx;
C:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10/etc/imman.idx;
C:/Program Files/client10/IntegrityClient10/etc/isman.idx;
4. From a command line prompt, run the .bat file.
5. From the same command line prompt that you ran the .bat file, start the client you want to run.
If you start the client from a new command line prompt, the variables set in the .bat file are not read.